Chapter 40

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I'm completely speechless at the moment as is my entire family...not my dad though.

"Well Josilus...what's your answer?" My dad asks me. Eli must've asked for permission to marry he needed it anyways. I finally look into Elijah's eyes and my smile grows.

"I...yes, obviously yes! Elijah, I love you!" He smiles and pulls me in for a kiss before taking the ring and putting it on my left finger.

"I thought since our time as mates wasn't as long as it should be, I thought we could spent forever as lovers, best friends, husbands..."

"I love that idea..." I grin before kissing him again. They all start to clap and cheer. My mom starts crying.

"My baby is gonna get married..." she covers her mouth.

"Mom...don't cry.."

"I'm sorry I'm just...I'm so happy I get to see you become a parent and see your wedding...things I thought I might never see..."

"Oh mom...come here..." I get up and hug her and so does Jru...and Ross.

"Alright, family group hug," Ross smiles, squishing is all. My dad and Eli join in, laughing. We really are one big family, aren't we?

Now this is the life the goddess envisioned...peace and happiness...tranquility. Our babies will grow up safe and happy.

I believe that too...I suppose everything happens for a reason.

Ain't that the truth.

"Okay, we're way to squished together, my babies are getting squashed."

"Ahh right," they all let go. Elijah rubs my belly, as if making sure they were okay.

"They're fine, love. I wasn't squished to badly." I laugh, taking his hand and kissing the back of it.

"You sure??"

"Yes, babe." I stand on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles.

"Okay, I trust fiancé~" I blush and hide in his chest. Hearing him say that just gives me butterflies.

I can't believe it...he's gonna be my husband...

Mates for it should be. Brel tells me.

I agree...this is the happy ending I've always wanted for us...we should've been married right after the ritual and consummation but I went completely unconscious and...well, you know the rest.

It's a shame...something that shouldn't have happened but Darius payed the price for his crimes against the crown severely.

Yes...he did. Hopefully his uncle will agree.

We will have to convince him.

Being that once I marry Elijah and Jru officially marries Ross, we will have a coronation, crowned king and queen and as will our king consorts...Elijah does deserve to wear a crown honestly. I'm also glad my dad accepted my sister's rightful place on the throne, breaking the cycle that male alphas always have to lead. She'll really bring change to us all as the alpha queen.

I agree with you. We have to take care of our young first and foremost. I'm glad she's taking the reigns so we can sit back and focus on that. Of course we can lend her our ear, give our opinion but king is just a title to us, right...? You've always felt that way since you knew the truth.

You're's true but I'm slowly embracing first act as king was to appoint Micah the new alpha of Clint Wood Pack.

You are strong, Josi...I believe you can change things too.

Thank you Brel.

"Okay! Who wants dessert?" My mom brings over an apple pie and vanilla ice cream, making me drool a little.

"I do~" I say, licking my lips.

"Well, dig in!" I quickly grab a plate and slice a big piece of pie and scooping on a bunch of ice cream.

"Damn Josi, did your cravings just hit you or what?" Ross comments with a laugh.

"Mhmm..." I nod, stuffing my face with pie and ice cream. Elijah snorts.

"Slow down babe, you're eating too fast."

"Buh is sho gud~" I say with a full mouth.

"Understood," he laughs grabbing himself a plate.

"Hey, did you make all this food, Amy?"

"I sure did. I wants to make a big feast for you is a beautiful day, one of celebration and happiness. I really appreciate you all accepting me as if I was apart of this family more than 4 months ago...this really feels like home...this is the place I belong..." she smiles, resting her head on my father's shoulder. He kisses her head.

"I love you so much Amy...I'm so glad you came back to me..."

"I still don't understand why you all don't hate me..."

"We grew up with a man who taught us to love and forgive rather than start wars over hate and revenge..." I nod.

"I've only broken that one rule in one instance...when I had Darius' father assassinated  but I didn't want you to think that sending assassins to destroy your enemies was the way to live. Sympathy and peace is how I want you to deal with is how you've dealt with things. I'm proud of you for it. Elijah and Ross protected you from that. They were hand picked through the goddess herself. She showed me you were meant to be aligned, all of you. Friends, family, mates, lovers, you were always destined to be together...she showed me the bright future your children will's so beautiful..."

"Dad...that sounds amazing...I'm so glad we're so united, so close. I wouldn't have it any other way." I smile at Elijah and hold his hand. "I've been feeling recently...everything that happened is going exactly as the goddess planned it for us. We are full with happiness and joy...we've been given an amazing opportunity. One that I will cherish forever." I look at my lovely family, just so glad that I've been given this gift of life and peace...finally. I'm so thankful for it all.

"Okay now enough sappiness, let's get into dessert!" Ross says getting his pie and ice cream. We all laugh at his humorous behavior, never tired of it.

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