Chapter 11: Part 2

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Once they returned with the younger girl, I was fuming. She screamed and cried so much. She was a fighter like her sister here...she dealt with the same treatment.
"I'm so sorry sweetie...I'm gonna get you out of here and those bad men will ever touch you again..." I reassured her.

"t-thank you prince..." I paused at the name she gave me.

"Why do you both keep calling me that...?" I asked, hugging my crossed legs to my chest.

"Because it's true. The moon goddess birthed your pack, branding you Moon prince of the country. Of course they stopped with the formalities years ago but the facts remain. You're special if you are who you say you are. You're next in line to rule the entire race."

"That's insane..." I shake my head, unable to believe it.

"It's true...your mother and father were rulers of us all. They stopped the use of formalities though. They wanted you and your sister to be humble before you learned the truth." I was completely stunned by this information. The rest of the day went on pretty quietly, men occasionally talking... Two men waltzed over to my cage and shook the door.

"Hey sweetheart, wake up~," one of those pigs whistled at me. I refused to give them any attention. They then start banging on and shaking the cage, screaming at me like wild animals which caused me to scramble to the corner of the cage. My entire body was shaking as I tried covering myself. They opened the cage door and trapped me in the corner.

"No! No! Don't touch me!!" I screamed, thrashing about but they lifted me up, holding my limbs as if I weighed nothing. I continued screaming and trying to escape their grasp but to no avail. Hot tears dripped from my eyes as I eventually had to give up because I was surrounded by other wolves, all of which were stronger than me. I was forced to stand there completely naked and shivering as I cried. They were all talking and looking at me like I was their next meal which made me want to just run and hide. It was a few minutes until the room went silent the sound of heels behind me drew closer and closer until I saw a tall woman with a mask and black hair. Her skin was completely covered.

"Hello Josilus. I went through a lot of trouble to get you."

"Screw you, bitch..." I spat.

"That's no way to treat your host. You've been fed and given a place to sleep."

"Barely...we've been here 3 days and we've only eaten once. We have no clothes and we can barely sleep on concrete floors..."

"Bring the boy a blanket...if I can even call you that." I growled at that, my eyes glowing red slightly.
"Calm down. You couldn't take me on even if you tried." I huffed, knowing she was right. One of the underlings put a blanket around me.
"Now...I came here for my merchandise. Let's go. Send the females to their appropriate parties."

"What?! You can't take them! You're not allowed to separate them!"

"And what are you going to do about it? You're the weakest Omega I've ever seen." The woman laughed. "Take the boy to my car and get the girls ready." She walked past me and I tried to lunge at her only to be grabbed by a man.

"No! Let me go! Fucking let me go!!!" I cried, squirming in his arms reaching out. I ended up being sedated again, limp in my captors arms. When I woke up I was in some sort of limo...the woman was right next to me. I wanted to scream and rip her throat out.

"Hold your tongue little pup. I'm doing you a favor. You're a rare gem to be sold to the highest bidder. Nothing personal. He wouldn't touch you even if you wanted him to. He's a man of honor. Those girls on the other hand...well they won't be so lucky. The older one may be at a higher price because she's more developed."

"Where the hell are you taking them?!"

"Somewhere no one will find them...or you," she smirked...all of a sudden, the vehicle came to a sudden stop...even the woman in front of me looked confused. She knocked on the glass behind her, talking to the driver.
"What's the hold up?!" the driver's door flung open and the man was thrown out with a scream of agony. Before I knew it, the back door flung open and a scent I recognized flooded my nose.
"D-dad...?" He purred softly at me before looking to the woman.

"You psychotic bitch!" He lunged at her and I took that chance to run as far away from the limo as possible. I looked around for those girls amidst the chaos...wolves from my pack were tearing the rogues apart...they committed a crime against us...they deserved punishment for what they did...right? This was fair considering what's happened...right? I ran back in the direction we came but no sign of the girls...

"Josilus!" I heard a small, familiar voice coming from my left and quickly turned to it. It was the sisters I was locked up with.

"Thank the goddess....I'm so glad you're did you escape?"

"We weren't far behind in one of the other trucks. Your people helped us." The older one smiled at me and I pulled them in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you're one will hurt you ever again, I promise..." Not long after, my father met us and gave us all blankets he found in one of the trucks.

"Let's get you home, shall we?"he lead us through the woods and back to some trucks...the comfort of having my father by my side right now was so relieving...we got into the trucks and headed home. The girls stayed with us for a few days but they soon returned to their adoptive parents. This memory was the most scarring thing I've ever experienced...I was almost sold off to some mystery man to breed was...disgusting that one of our sister packs would do such a thing. I will never forget those girls and what they told me...there's a chance my mother may still be alive and I will do whatever I can to find her...

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