Chapter 9

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The night came to an end. The party ended early due to the mishap that wolf caused with me. I had a good nights rest after Eli comforts me with his kiss...the next two days went by slowly but my birthday is finally here. My sister and I are turning 18...and tonight...tonight will be my shining moment,  my moment of truth. Jru and I were both dressed in all white as a sign of purity...soon to be tainted by our lifelong lovers.

"Brother darling! Are you ready for our birthday party?!" Jru jumps on my shoulders.

"Ah- yeah....I guess..." I look down. Ever since Elijah and I kissed, he's been avoiding hurts but I suppose its for the best at the moment. The blood moon is tonight....which means I will definitely be losing my virginity to my mate tonight. The blood moon will give my mate the power to be both man and wolf controlling his...or her body. Brel and I will share control as well, giving all parties the full intensity of the mating bond and completing the mating ceremony. There will be a special room opened to only us so that we can complete it in privacy...soundproof walls...and an unbreakable bed. No one can hear our experience but us. This room will be the same room where we conceive the next heir...I just hope...I'm praying it will all happen with Elijah...

"I hope Elijah is your mate. I'm sure he will be." She rubs my back.

"It'll be a dream come true..." I sulk a little. We both head outside where the party is being set up. The two of us are dressed in all white, of course. It is always our tradition,  a lot like marriage. Jru and I have actually planned to wear blue for our weddings because tonight, its almost guaranteed that we will lose our virginity.

"Josi! Jru!" Ross calls.

"Hey..." I smile a little bit at Ross but that quickly fades.

"Dont be sad...things should work out tonight in your favor, " he says with a genuine smile spread across his face. He grips my shoulders and shakes me a little. "How are you holding up, bud?"

"I'm...I'm doing okay. I've been trying hard to forget what happened that night. If that guy is my mate, I will kill him myself."

"That's the spirit!" Ross comes to my side and slings his arm across my shoulder...and that's when I see him...Elijah Rune with his normally shaggy hair and piercings, has his hair slicked back and his face is completely clear of any piercings and to top it off...he's wearing a suit...a suit...and its my favorite color, royal blue. I can feel my face heating up with blush. I'm frozen in place. I've never seen him look so handsome. I never thought he could get anymore handsome than he already is...I sure am being proved terribly wrong...

"Jos?" Jru elbows me.

"H-huh?" I jerk a little and glance at her before gazing back at Elijah.

Good goddess,  I'm in love...

Elijah catches sight of me and I quickly turn to hide my face in Ross's shoulder.

"Josilus," I hear his deep voice behind me.

"Y-yes?" I say, voice being muffled as I'm still hiding in Ross's shoulder.

"Can I see your face?" I hesitate a moment.

"Its okay Josi." Ross pats my head and I slowly turn around. 

Shit!  Hes hotter up close!

"H-hey..." I swallow. He smirks, adjusting his cuff links. My dad must've given this to him as a gift.

"Happy birthday. I put your present on the gift table. You'll know which one it is."

"T-thank you look...really good today..." I say, scanning him up and down.

"I should be saying the same for you..." Ross and Jru look at each other and nod before slipping off to give us some space.


"I suppose we should talk about that incident the other night..."

"I'm actually angry with you. You always dissappear after romantic gestures and I feel like shit cause I feel like I did something to make you leave."

"Josilus...we both know how we feel about each other...I distanced myself because its hard looking at you, knowing there's a possibility I can't have you..."


"I know...I know. Let's just forget about that and enjoy our time, yeah?"

"Okay..." I nod, looking down. He tilts my chin up gently with his thumb and index finger, curled and pressed beneath it.

"Don't look so down. Its your birthday." He smiles,  making my heart melt. It only took a few of his words to notice...the only piercing left in his body was a tongue ring...I shiver at the thought of what he plans to do with that expert tongue of his...

"I'll try..." I smile a little.

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