Chapter 24

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*Jrusila's POV*

Its morning...yet another where I haven't seen or spoken to my brother. Ross has his arms wrapped around me, always holding me while I sleep but I barely get enough of that these days. The only connection I have to my brother is a strange one. I can feel his emotions, his stress, anger, sadness. Some say twins have a connection like that but this is certainly very real. It keeps me up at night, thinking about how much he suffers. Ross yells at me for not getting enough rest. I can't blame him, he is the father of our unborn child and my mate. He's got the biggest heart. I never would've guessed I'd be in love with my brother's best friend...not in a million years but he's honestly the sweetest, most caring mate I could ever ask for. I sigh, getting out of bed. We didn't get pregnant right away like Josi, it took a little longer for us but I'm glad that it finally worked now. We only just found out a few days ago so I'm still sort of adjusting. I wonder how my brother is coping with it...with Darius. I decide to go check on Elijah as I do every morning. He's been depressed but as the alpha, I have to check on all my people. I'm still getting used to that title. I walk down the hall, knocking on his door.
"Go away!" He yells. Ignoring his request, I walk in anyways.

"Elijah, lets go. You gotta shower and train warriors today."

"They can train themselves..." he says, buried underneath a plethora of blankets in which I start pulling off of him. He lets out a groan like a child who doesn't want to get up for school.

"Get up, that's an order." He whines again, unable to tell me no. He gets up and looks at me. He hasn't shaved and barely showered since Josi's been gone.

"Yes ma'am..."

"Wash your ass first. You smell like garbage."

"I am garbage..." he mumbles.

"Hey, hey, you're not. You're a good man who's handsome. Josi chose you."

"But he ran off and chose Darius! How am I supposed to feel?"

"Josi had no memory of that, my dad is looking into whether somebody from Darius' pack did something to mess with the ritual that night. That wasn't supposed to happen. We will get Josi back to you...he will come home."

"I doubt Darius will let him go without a fight..." he looks down.

"If he fights, we have allies that have our backs, no question. We are doing an investigation and we will make sure you have Josilus because I know for a fact that with you is exactly where he wants to be. Don't give up hope."

"Okay...I won't. I just miss him so much.

"I know...I do too. I know it's even worse for you because he's your mate.

"How could he possibly still be my mate? I can't even hear him or Brel."

"That's just cause he's far away. You can still feel him though can't you?" He stays silent for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah...I can feel him. He's so distressed all the time. I swear, if Darius laid a hand on him, I'll-"

"Easy there, alpha. You'll get your fair fight when we go get him but for now, train, exercise, eat. You'll need your strength even though you fight well. You have a mate to protect, to fight for."

"I know. I'll go to the warriors. Thanks for making me get up for once." He smiles a little.

"Of course. Now go. I've gotta go to Ross before he yells at me for not letting him know I was up. I'll see you later, Elijah." He nods and I return to my bedroom where Ross is already sitting up. I sigh.

"I was just about to wake you."

"So much for that...come here," he outstretches his hands to me. I walk over, taking his hands before he pulls me into his lap.

"I'm here~." I smile at him before nuzzling him a bit. His soft auburn hair and mossy green eyes are something I didn't really pay attention to before but now are some features I adore. He's an unexpected gift.

"You couldn't wake me up when you got up?"

"You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you."

"Well, lets go get some breakfast, hm?"

"Okay. We have a meeting with my dad today for lunch. He wants to head into the town."

"The town? Is it really safe with the full moon just days away?"

"Yes...The humans don't know a thing- well, the mayor does but he's been good at keeping it under wraps. I hear he has a daughter as well."

"He does now?" Ross raises a brow.

"Yeah, she'll be taking on the family legacy."

"How ironic. The king and the mayor working together." He laughs.

"I still can't believe that I'm actual royalty, doesn't feel like I own that title but I do...Josilus needs to know that too but we haven't been able to contact him." I pout a little. "I miss my brother..."

"I know babe, I know..." he places his hand on my stomach, "we'll all be a big happy family again...I know you'll find a way to get him home. But if a war breaks out, you're not fighting it."

"Like hell I'm not! I am the alpha of this pack, soon to be queen. We just haven't publicly announced my coronation."

"Jru! You're pregnant! You can't go fighting in wars!"

"It's my brother, Ross! I can just sit here and wait!"

"You don't have a choice."

"I'm the alpha, Okay? I have to do this! Dad rescued him before because he protects his own. My mom died because she protected us. I have to do it Ross. I'll be careful and I know you will be right by my side because you protect your own too...I know it." I stroke his cheek.

"This wasn't supposed to be like this...everyone was supposed to be happy. You, me, Jos and Elijah...we were always gonna be in this together."

"We've got reason to believe someone tampered with the balance of our nature. That's why we're going out with my father today. The mayor has some intel."

"Really? That's interesting...I hope it isn't just bullshit."

"It won't be. The mayor and my dad have been good friends since they were teens. You usually don't see many wolves and humans befriending each other but they basically grew up together so once my dad began shifting more often, he could no longer let it slide, he told him the truth and mayor Locke told him he already knew but would keep his secret all the way up until his own father passed him the torch and soon after, passed away. Then, a new order in the council began and he wanted to make peace with us instead of being at odds, work together to fight off rogues and to keep them from turning anyone else."

"That's very generous of the mayor to is possibly a win win because purebreds like us don't feel the need to attack the people and drag them into our work. We'd rather them stay out of it but...the rogues probably want an army." He sighs.

"That's right. So that's why we are working together." I smile, kissing his head. "Let's go get some breakfast." After that, we go down to eat and get ready for the day.

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