Chapter 27

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After arriving at the apartment building, we got out of the car to see the witch. We go to the apartment number we're looking for and I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hear a feminine voice from the other side of the door.

"My name is may have heard of my brother Josilus..." it goes silent for a moment but after a few seconds, the door opens a crack.

"What do you want, wolf?" She peeks at us.

"We don't want a fight...just to ask some questions. I'm worried for my brother. I can feel his fear, his pain...he's pregnant, Rae. I'm sure you can understand my concern." I cross my arms. She looks me up and down for a moment before opening up the door.

"You can come in but your mate stays here."

"Why can't I come in?"

"Because I don't trust you. You wolves have a habit of being violent. Now stay." I sigh and walk inside, having the door close behind me. I look around, sniffing the air.

"You have Wolfsbane around your house..." I comment as I go to sit down on her couch.

"I can't be too careful these days when I've got Rogues on my ass, watching my every move....anyways, can I get you anything to drink? Water, tea..."

"Just water will suffice. May I ask you something?"

"That's what you're here for isn't it? Ask away." She walks into her kitchen.

"Why let me in and not my mate?"

"Because males are illogical and act on impulse while the females are more calculating and cautious, especially when with child. I know you won't pick a fight with me. Your energy is so strong, I can tell just by looking at you."

"Hm...touché. So it's true, you did something to my brother? You sure aren't acting dumb about it."

"I had my reasons..." she trails off as she pours me a glass of water and walks back to me, handing me the glass. "Here you are."

"Thanks...and what reasons would they be?"

"Darius gave me incentive, I took it..."

"He paid you?" I glare at her.

"No...he had something I wanted, offered it to me in exchange for doing a spell on Josilus that bonded them. I left the moment I did that spell. I didn't feel right doing it but I didn't have a choice...the deal was made and I paid my price, trying to move on from it..."

"Well you can't now. You've put my brother in a dangerous position. That spell you did left him with two marks that I'm positive are still deep in his skin. Sooner or later, they will make him sick and the baby won't be able to survive it...I've seen it before."

"I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do..."

"That's a lie and you know it." I set my drink in the coffee table.

"Look, I sympathize with your brother but if I undo the spell, I won't be compensated like I was supposed to in the first place. Darius will know and will just have my loved ones killed. I don't want that to happen."

"Rae, please...what is it that he has? I'll personally get it for you."

"You can''s not something that simple. The spell I did on Josilus only entrances him for a short time, enough for him to solidify their bond with the mark. Darius was expecting the spell to make Josilus completely in love with him and it backfired. He won't give me what I want until I fix that..."

"So don't fix it! You're a powerful witch, Rae. You can put him down."

"I can't! If I attack him, he'll order his men to...I can't. I can't do this with you, you need to leave..." she gets up almost in a frantic state. I don't budge, beginning to think for a moment.

"This is about your son isn't it...?" I say, causing her to freeze in place. I read through her file as we were driving and found out she has a little boy, 7 years old.

"How do you know that...?"

"I have my sources...he has your son doesn't he?" I ask her, careful with my tone. She tears up and nods slowly.

"He took him as incentive...he's been keeping him locked up with enchanted shackles so he can't do any magic...he didn't even know about that stuff yet, he's too young..." she sniffles.

"We can get him back but we need your you said you made Josilus entranced so he could sleep with Darius that there a spell that can undo a mark?"

"That...I can't do. It's out of my jurisdiction. Marks are untouchable for me. If the mark disappears and the bond breaks, it is of free will. I've seen it done before but if there's two marks, he has so solidify one of the bonds again and there's no doubt, Darius has tried. If Josilus wants to sever his bond with Darius, he'll have to sleep with Elijah and reaffirm his mark again. It's the only way..."

"What if...we create a plan in which everyone gets what they want? except Darius of course." I hum a little in thought.

"What kind of plan would get us that?"

"One that can get your son back, get Josilus back and save him and Elijah time to fix this mark problem." Rae raises a brow and sighs.

" do we do it?"

"First, we'll need you to keep Darius occupied long enough time so we sneak in, grab Josi and get him out while being unseen at the same time another small team will break out your son and by the time they're all home safe, the warriors and myself will ensure they're not followed by creating a barrier around the pack grounds. This won't be easy...if we don't do this right, lives will be lost...we all need to be careful. I will talk to Elijah and plan this out, giving you the details. Do we have a deal?" I hold out my hand for Rae to shake. She looks at my hand reluctantly but after a few moments, she shakes it.

"We have a deal, Princess," She nods, "I look forward to hearing from you." Just then we hear grunting and thuds outside the door, like some sort of scuffle.

"What the hell...?" I say as the two of us get up and open the door to see Ross fighting two rogues. Rae starts speaking in some language I can't quite decipher, holding her hands up over them, causing them to collapse to the ground, nearly screaming in pain.

"You two go, now!" Rae demands us and we nod rushing to the car. Once in the car, we both catch our breath before I look over at him.

"She said she had rogues on her tail all the time but I wasn't expecting them to be a problem. You okay babe?" I ask as I scan over his body for any wounds.

"I'm okay, yeah...yeah I think I'm okay..." he looks alright, not seeing any blood on his body.
"You hold your own...good job. Rae agreed to help us get Josi back...hopefully the rogues won't be too much of a problem for her."

"They sure are annoying." He chuckles.

"Yes, they are. Well, at least we have another ally after today." I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder as we drive back home.

"Yeah, that's great. Now we just need Elijah on board for this crazy suicide mission."

"If it involves getting Josi home and in his arms, there's no doubt he'll be all for it."

"I suppose you're right." Ross sighs. The drive home seems longer than I initially thought it would be. I start to get a little drowsy and end up falling asleep on my mate's shoulder.

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