Chapter 41

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3 Days Later

Jru, Elijah, Ross and I accompanied Micah back to his pack to greet Liam and do some explaining. We hope to ease the tension that he probably has, hearing what he's heard. He should know why he was killed and what took place to lead up to his death...he deserves to know.  We all wait at the entrance boarder, expecting him to be accompanied by rogues, Elijah has me stand behind him. Some may hate me because their alliance with Darius ended with his life. Liam is tall, body thick and strong like a fresh young stallion, his hair light brown with hints of blonde in dreadlocks, his light caramel, freckled like strawberry seeds, eyes a sharp gray. He's intimidating ...that's for sure.

" must be Micah," he walks up to him, staring him down before placing a hand on his shoulder. His face is so serious, I can't tell whether he is angry or that's just his resting face.

"Yes...I am." My friend stands his ground, not showing any weakness.

Good job Micah...

"Thank you for taking care of my nephew's funeral. I heard it was beautiful."

"Darius was my childhood friend...I owed that to him. Truly, there is no need to thank me."

"I hope you are a great alpha. You owe that much to him as well."

"I assure you, I have the favor of the people. His death has not been in vain. I've been doing this for a few months, everyone seems pleased, I assure you."

"That's good to hear. My nephew's legacy needs to live on through his most trusted advocate....his beta, his right hand. That is why I am here."

"Thank you Liam. It's good to see you care so strongly for your late nephew."

"It's more than I can say for some people...but again, thank you for welcoming me so openly." He gives Micah an almost condescending grin. Micah gives him the same grin back.

"The pleasure is mine." I've never felt such thick tension...I wonder if Liam is hiding something...his true intentions for showing up so suddenly.  Liam then walks over to Jru, Elijah and I. He scans the three of us but then has his eyes fixed on me. I hold onto Elijah's arm tightly.

"Josilus I believe? Crown prince of our race....I've heard a lot about you but I did not expect for you to be cowering behind your consort like a child-"

"I suggest you choose your next words wisely, Liam," Eli growls.

"Don't pick a fight...please...I should introduce myself properly," I tell him, causing his to relax his tense muscles before letting me peek out.

"No need to introduce yourself. We've met before when you were young and Darius was well, alive. I used to be around a lot more but your dad was psycho over your mother's death-"

"Turns out he failed that attempt on her life. My mother is alive."

"That's...not possible..." Liam actually looks shocked. You'd think he would know because he rolls with rogues. He should've known that she was alive and back home if they knew Darius was dead. They were watching her after all...but then again, she was wanted for "crimes" against his pack. She would've been taken back to Darius and executed...and Darius didn't believe me when I asked him to help me find out if she was dead or alive. If they weren't his rogues, then who's were they?

"It's true. You can see for yourself...perhaps when you come to my wedding." I say boldly.

"Wedding..." he looks between Elijah and I, then at my stomach. Instinctively, I place a protective hand over it. Does he know something?

" is a royal wedding...I suppose I'm obligated to attend with a formal invitation from the prince himself."

"Thank you for accepting my invitation. I look forward to seeing you there. We will have it at our home in 3 weeks." I nod and he does the same.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world..." he says with a grin but somehow I feel like there's something off about it.i try to ignore it and cling back to my fiancé.

"Well, let's get you settled then." Micah leads him inside the mansion of his.

"I want to talk with you later, Josilus. I hope you'll meet me."

"I'll be around. When you're ready come find me." I nod, trying to be calm and collected by inside, I'm terrified...I don't want to explain how he died but I have to tell the truth...I need to. It's not like I did anything wrong. He took so much from me...although he did give me something I will cherish forever...not that I wanted it from him- nor did I actually consent to it- but, I'll love and protect this child with my life, no matter what.

"Josi are you really sure about this?" Elijah comes over and asks me once Micah and Liam are gone.

"Yes...I have to do this...I have to tell him all that I can...I won't tell him that one of the babies are miraculously his nephew's but I'll say everything else..."

"This doesn't feel right...Liam being here."

"He's just here to see his nephew's grave since he had no living parents. Darius' father was killed and his mother died from the severed bond. It was too much for her. His Uncle was the only one left."

"I know..." he sighs.

"Okay then, just leave it to me." I nod.

"Alright...I trust you..." he kisses my forehead, "let's go relax for a while, hm?"

"Alright. I am a little achy."

"Yeah? Well I'll give you a nice massage , get rid of all that pain."

"Ooo that sounds nice..." I lean into him, hugging him.

"Alright, let's head inside then." He takes my hand and we head inside.

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