Chapter 13

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"Siva! Come on, just come back and we can explain everything!" I hear Darwin's voice. I hold my breath so he won't hear me and hopefully he'll walk right on past me. Of course, with my luck that doesn't happen.

He sniffs the air and turns around until he looks up and sees me in the tree.

"Siva! There you are, come on," he says. I quickly get up and jump out of the tree. I shift mid-air and run off but then he shifts and runs after me in his much larger wolf form. Maybe our dad really is an alpha, but Darwin's definitely next in line.

I take long leaps over logs and I dodge trees to try and run away from Darwin. I look back and see him gone but I don't stop running. I look back around and quickly come to a dead stop when I see Darwin right in front of me. I turn to run the opposite way but he tackles me to the ground. I bare my teeth and growl and snap but he stays on top of me and keeps me down but I don't stop struggling. At one point I get a little loose and I almost get out from under him but then a new set of teeth come around my neck but more like how a mum wolf holds her pups.

Whoever it is pulls me out from under Darwin and gets me up right. I stand low on my haunches with my teeth bared as I growl at him. Then he shifts to his human form and commands with eyes for me to do the same. I reluctantly change back into a human teenager. I quickly wipe the tears away from my face and he glares at me.

"Now you listen boy, if you ever disrespect your mum like that again I will skin you alive and feed you to the turned ones," my father growls at me.

"No, you listen here, she stabbed me and I can say whatever the fuck I want. It's not like it makes a difference!" I shout back at him and I turn and start walking through the snow, not caring that I'm naked. I'm not sure why but I guess being around my family, who are obviously born shifters, is making me more born than turned. I have no idea how that makes any sense.

Suddenly I feel something hit the back of my head. I spin around and realize my father threw a rock at me. "What a wonderful way to be greeted by my "father". I'm sure he loves me as much as he loves his lunatic wife!" I shout then shift and run away again. I just want them to leave me alone and never talk to me. I just want to get back to the only people that care about me. Oh wait, I don't have any.

I sit in a tree, trying to keep myself warm in the cold night. I start nodding off but I try to fight it. Although, it doesn't work because I feel myself fall asleep anyway.

I wake up when a hard impact hits me from the back, hard. I open my eyes and cough as pain spreads through me.

"Ouch," I grumble. Then I realize, I fell out of the tree and landed flat on my back. I groan as I roll over onto my stomach, picking myself up.

I need a better place to sleep, I think as I stand up shivering. And clothes. I add mentally.

I get an idea and shift to help keep warm as I walk back to the village.

I walk into the quiet village and find the cabin I was looking for. I quietly shift back to a teenage boy and walk in the house silently. I tip toe up the stairs and luckily the first room I look in is the right one. I stay as quiet as I possibly can so I don't wake the sleeping person in the bed. I quietly open a drawer and I grab a pair of shorts and I quickly put them on. Suddenly, I feel something hard hit the back of my head. I fall to the ground and groan.

"Siva?" I hear Darwin say after he turns on the light. I groan in response. "Oh my gosh, I thought you were a thief or something. Are you okay?" he asks as he helps me stand up. I groan with my hand on my head and he sits me down on his bed.

"Holy shit, what did you hit me with?" I grumble.

"Um, a bat. Sorry," he says with a sheepish grin. "Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought you hate us," he says. I stand up and look at him.

Secrets: The Blood and the Chains (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now