Chapter Forty One

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*Hope's POV*

"I'm breaking up with you and don't want to see you anymore. Everything we had was all fake to me."
Please tell me this is all a dream.

Suddenly, I pull my eyes open to the light.
Oh thank goodness it was a dream.

I notice Jin and Jasmine sitting across from my bed.
"'re awake," Jin slowly stands up.
I nod.
"How do you feel?" Jasmine asks.
"I don't know," I massage my head.
"W-what do you remember from yesterday?" Jin asks hesitantly.

My heart drops and tears start to form again.
My dream wasn't really a dream.

Taehyung, what happened? I thought we promised to stay by each other forever.

"Jin, do you believe everything he said. That's not the Taehyung I know," I ask him with tear stained cheeks.
Jin pulls me to his chest and caress my hair, comforting me.

I don't know what the hell to believe anymore.
I don't believe that everything was fake.
I don't.

"Hey Hope, lets get ready for school okay? And we'll go have breakfast," Jasmine gives me a soft smile.
I nod numbly.

A grey glass is put in front of me, blocking me from any possible colour.
I go through the day like I should. I go to class like I do.

After class, Jasmine and Jin has left me for rehearsals.
I let my legs lead me to the location it desires to be at.

At the end, I end up in the middle of the campus garden. All the trees that are supposingly green with flowers, has become dark and droopy, the bushes that are supposingly full with roses now seem to be dropping. Or that's what's created in my eyes.
I turn my attention toward a small pathway.


The day Taehyung walked out from the trees holding his camera.

I bring my knees up against my chest, water starts to form again in my eyes.
Why him? Why does he have to be the one that always get hurt?
I believe that he was forced. Forced into it by using my life as a bait.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps nearing.
"I knew you would be here," Jin says as he approach me.
He sits beside me and put an arm around me. I rest my head against his shoulder.

"Jin, he saved me, didn't he?"
"Yes, he did," Jin nods.
"I guess it didn't take you long to realize," he adds.
"I know Taehyung, he's not cruel," I say.
"He tried to make you hate him so you wouldn't have to live on loving him, hoping that you will move on," Jin explains.

Taehyung, I love you. Please take care.
I wipe my tears from my face.

"Here, he gave me this," Jin pass me a small envelope with my name on it.


I'm sorry. I'm a horrible person for bringing you into this messed up life of mine. I am moving to China, and I will lose contact with all of you guys. It is best for us to be apart now. I hope you can move on. Thank you for everything you have done for me, you have taught me to be me, however I have only continuously disappointed you.

I purple you,

Tears drop onto the small piece of paper that I am gripping so tightly. I hold the paper against my chest.
"I purple you too," I close my eyes and face up at the sky.

I believe that Taehyung and I will meet again one day.

"Hope, there's something that I wanted to ask you. What exactly happened?" Jin asks me unsure if it was smart to do so.

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