Chapter Four

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*Jungkook's POV*

After we find Seokyi's room, Jin seats himself in a chair by her bed as we all stand around for an hour.
Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn and see Hoseok gesturing me and the others to follow him out of the room.

"I don't think everyone needs to be here at the same time. Why don't we switch up? Also Jimin and Jungkook, shouldn't you guys go to school?" Hoseok suggests.
"Yeah, but Jin hyung and Seokyi's more important," Jimin whines.
"I think you guys should go back to school. I think we got it from here on," Namjoon says.

Jimin looks at me.
"I'm not leaving. Plus, I haven't seen my family here since summer, I want to go see them later as well," I say.
"Okay then," Hoseok nods.
"I'll stay with Jin tonight." Namjoon volunteers.
We don't retort to that, out of all of us, Namjoon hyung is closest to Jin.
"I'll stay with him for the rest of the day. Joon can go home take a nap and stuff, you can come later on. You guys can go home as well." Jimin volunteers.
"I'll stay with you." I say.
"Okay then, I'll come back in the morning." Hoseok says.

The next couple days we all switch shifts. Not because we're just worried about Seokyi but mostly about Jin.

Since I'm in Seoul, I stay with my family. I haven't seen them since the summer break so I'm glad to be with them again.

Jin is feeling a little better, mentally. Physically, he's getting weaker. All he consumes everyday is a cup of coffee with a bottle of water, and if we're lucky we can get a couple bites of bread in him. He looks more sick than Seokyi does. He says he refuses to go home until Seokyi wakes up and it's been four days.

It's currently 12 midnight. Today, Jimin and I are taking the night shift and let Yoongi go home. Jimin brought over soup and some bread for Jin. He needs to eat, we have to put something in him today.

"Jin hyung, I brought your favourite soup. Have some," Jimin puts the soup in front of him.
"It's okay..." he says softly.
"Hyung, you need to eat!" I break out.
"I'm not going too! I don't want it!......" Tears start to roll down his cheeks
".....why isn't she waking...?" He starts sobbing in my arms.

He's scared.
I quietly stroke his hair and comfort him. Soon enough, he falls asleep in my arms. I carry him on to the small bed the kind nurse provided since she saw how Jin never leaves.
I return to my seat beside Jimin.

"What can we do? If he continues with this he'll end up being the sick one," he sighs.
"I don't know. We all tried our best, but he just won't listen. All we can hope for now is for Seokyi to wake up.....if she ever does," I mumble the last words but Jimin heard.
"WHAT?! What do you mean IF?!" He whispers.
"I thought she will wake up." He looks at me.
"Hyung...the doctor told us that they think she will, but there's a chance she won't..." I whisper incase Jin isn't actually asleep.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"It was all my idea, I couldn't bare to see him in so much pain..." I explain.

"I understand, but what do we do now? Assume she will or she won't?"
"We can't do either. All we can do is hope."
"I guess." He sighs.

"What about Jin? His current state isn't good. He won't listen to us, what else can we do? He'll become ill if he continues on like this," he asks me shakily.
Jimin's becoming worried and scared along with every single one of us.
"Let's have a group chat with the others." I suggest.
He nods.

We walk out of the room and sit on the chairs in front of the room.
I start the video chat that calls to all of them but of course Tae and Jin doesn't answer.

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