Chapter Eighteen

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*Hope's POV*

Since the surprise party we threw for Hoseok two weeks ago, my life has been uneventful. Everyday I go to classes, go back to my dorm and study, and sleep. I haven't even seen Jin much since that day, I've passed by him a couple times but we only managed to send each other a smile and a wave. However, I have been busy though. The huge organization project is still in progress. We're nearly done, it's due next week. I think what I have planned and my proposal sounds decent, I doubt Taehyung even has anything.

The continuing week, the due date nearing day by day. Five days before the due date, I finally interact with my so called partner.

"Here's what I've done and what my idea is. Check it over and add what you think fits," I hand him the folder with all of the papers.

As much as I despise him, I unfortunately do trust his business talent he must carry.

He reaches into his Gucci leather backpack and pulls out a leather folder.

"Here's what I've done. We can both check each other's over and tomorrow in class we can finalize what to hand in." He hands me the expensive looking folder with a bored and annoyed expression
I roll my eyes and nod. At least it sounds like a decent enough idea.

I carry the folder over to my desk.

Damn this folder even feels expensive.

I open up the folder to inspect what Taehyung has done, if anything.

To my surprise, it's anything but empty. Everything is neatly organized in different slots and pockets. Oh damn it really differs when you're professional. Mine isn't too bad, but most definitely not nearly as neat as this, not to mention mine is in a yellow Chimmy folder Jimin gave me. A couple years back, they each designed their own character and named it BT21. Namjoon's was Koya, Jin's was RJ, Yoongi's was Shooky, Hoseok's was Mang, Jimin's was Chimmy, and Jungkook's was Cooky. Now I wonder if Taehyung did one.

I Flip through all the planning and papers. Why does he have to make it look so professional I feel like I'm looking at some sort of special or important document. I take a deeper look at his work.

Oh wow, not only does it look professionally done, it is professionally done.


The bell indicates the end of class.

Well I'm going to need to check over this later, everything is written so well and in depth.

What should I do? I don't want to go back to my dorm so early, I actually have some time to spare because the only thing I really have to work on is looking over Taehyung's paper I just finished interm exams yesterday.

Just at that moment, I receive a phone call.

"Hey Hope! It's your favourite brother!" The other side of the line chirps
"Oh, hey Jin! Whats up?!"
"Hey! So today we're starting the filming for the movie we've been rehearsing for and thought you might be interested so if you want you can come take a look."
"If you need a supporter just ask, you don't have to sound like it's for me, but I'm in!" I tease
"Thanks! We're meeting up on the football field today."

Movie filming will be interesting, plus I can watch Jin and Jasmine's acting in action.

Once I arrive at the field, there are so many people. Actors, directors, cameramen, makeup artist, and stylists are all running around.

When the filming starts, I watch as my best friend play as the best friend of my other best friend, I must admit they act well together. When the time nears 7:00 the filming has been wrapped up for the day.

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