Chapter Twenty Two

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*Taehyung's POV*

"Okay, I have to go now but I love you to the moon and back," I say to Jenna.

I stare out the window as the train speeds pass the bare fields.

I just got off the phone with Jenna.

I feel my phone buzz again.

HOPE~: "I love u to the moon and back" seriously? So cheesy, lol
TAE~: Shut up
I crack a small smile.

"Who was just on the phone?" A sweet voice asks.
"Oh hey Jihwa, you're awake. Oh it was just a friend," I smile.
"Girlfriend?" She teases.
"Go back to sleep," I chuckle.

"Are the adults still in the meeting cart of the train?" Jihwa asks.
"Yeah, they talk too much," I tease.

"How much longer until we reach our destination?" She asks.
"Uh about two more hours," I check my watch. "Alright then," she pulls out her backpack from underneath the chair and grabs out worksheets.

"Are you doing your homework?" I ask.
"Yep, I'm still a kid, still have to do homework."

"Good student. As for me? I feel bad," I sigh.
"Why?" She looks at me with confusion.
"Well, there's this huge important project I'm working on with my friend, it's due next week. And I basically ditched her to do it on her own this week," I explain.
"Awh I'm sure she will understand," Jihwa gives me a side hug.
"I hope so."

"Soooo.....another girl?" She smirks.
"Park Jihwa! How old are you again?" I turn towards her abruptly.
"Hehe eleven, but you're twenty so isn't it normal to have girlfriends?" She teases.

"Does your brother deal with this on a daily basis?" I tease.
"Well, he drags one girl with him everywhere." "Aejin?"
"Yep, that's her. I don't know if she likes being dragged everywhere though, although her parents are like our parents," she says matter a factly.

"Want to know a secret?" I ask.

She nods.

"One of my best friends, he goes to the same school as your brother and he likes Aejin," I whisper to her.
"Oh. I'm sure whoever he is, is probably better than my brother.
"What's his name?" She asks.
"Jeon Jungkook."
"Why do I feel like I've seen or heard that name before?"
"Have you heard your brother speak of him?"
"Oh! I remember he's a singer right? I remember a song with him in it," she exclaims.
"He has a great voice right?"
"Amazing, so angelic. Too bad he only has one song," she pouts.

"Any other artists you like?" I ask.
"Hmm I got one, ever heard of RM and Suga?"
"Yes," as if I haven't known them since I was little.
"Yeah, they're pretty cool, they're the artists that worked with Jungkook on the only song that he's in right?" She asks.

I nod.

"RM and Suga's songs are so meaningful, it makes me so happy when I listen to them, I hope one day I can meet them," she smiles.
"One day I'm sure you will." I smile.
I will make sure of it.

She continues to do her homework

Hours later, we finally arrive at our destination.

I shake Jihwa awake, she fell asleep on her homework again.

"Jihwa, we're here, time to go to the hotel now," I pat her head.
"I.......don't," she groans.
"Here, come and ride on my back," I stand up.

She stand up on her seat tiredly and climbs on my back.
I piggy back her off the train and onto the platform.

Soon, I find my parents along with Jihwa's family. Her mother runs towards me.

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