Chapter Twenty Three

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*Hope's POV*

I frequently check my watch as I lean against the couch waiting for the professionals to show up. Today is Sunday, all the professionals who aren't from town have to travel here and it's my job to greet them at the hotel they all will be staying in. 

Soon, at 18:00 the first group arrives. I greet them and explain everything to them.
In the end, the very last pair is Namjoon and Yoongi.

"Joon! Yoongi! Hey!" I give them both a hug.

"Hey Hope, how's everything?"

"This weeks been a bit stressful but all together the project is coming along quite well," I explain.

"That's good, where's Taehyung?" Joon asks.

"Oh, he's not in town."

"Oh, will he make it back for the event?" Yoongi asks curiously.

"He should, speaking of which he should be back late tonight, we have to do finishing touches and set up tomorrow."

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing.

"Oh look, that's Taehyung. Sorry, give me a second," I excuse myself.
"Hey Hope, how's everything?"
"It's alright, I've just finish greeting all the professionals who arrived today. Are you back already?"
"Unfortunately, no. That's what I wanted to tell you. I won't be back until tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?! We're supposed to set up tomorrow."
"Yeah......I'm so so sorry. I feel so guilty."

I calm myself down, knowing his situation he probably doesn't have a choice.

"Okay, it's okay. But when will you come back tomorrow?"
"Around noon. I'll come and help set up right away."
"Okay, don't stress it, come if you can. I got this."
"Okay, thank you so much Hope."

We hang up.

"We can help," Yoongi says right away.

"Would you really? That would be awesome."

"Yeah of course, just give us a time and place." Joon gives me his dimple smile.

"I'll pick you guys up."

The next day, I call a taxi and pick Namjoon and Yoongi up and make our way to the Conference Centre.

Once we arrive, we all stare at the big open space.

I knew that it was huge but I didn't notice how much we would have to decorate.

"Damn. It's huge." Yoongi says.

"Yeah, well. We better get started, tell us what to do?" The responsible Joon asks.

"Well, let's set up the 100 small high tables first, it's all in the storage room."

"Hope, I have a question. Have you ever considered having more people to help?" Yoongi asks.

"Umm well, not really," I scratch my neck.

"It's alright, we got this. If you want, maybe ask some friends to help," Joon suggests.

"There's actually school today but I'll ask Jin and another friend of mine to see how many classes they have today. I'll give Jungkook and Jimin a call as well."

I call Jin then Jasmine.
They will join us in an hour.
Jungkook and Jimin will join us in a few hours.

We start setting up the tables.

By the time Jin and Jasmine arrive, we're just pass half way done setting up the tables.

At 1:00 Jungkook and Jimin shows up.

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