Chapter Twenty Five

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*Taehyung's POV*

I'm numb, in pain. Inside and out.

My painkiller has wear off and shooting pain around my wound. I gave my last pill to Jihwa earlier since her medicine was already wearing off.

My emotional and mental pain has reached me again.

Why do I live in this world? What is my purpose here?
I'm a worthless boy thrown into the world of riches and cruelty, being used like a puppet.

Unconsciously, my feet lead me to my home. My piano.

I start playing as a tear slips out of my left eye. Pain.

Suddenly, a soft knock on my door interrupts my train of unpleasant thoughts. I quickly wipe the tears off my face and put on the most serious face possible.

The person on the otherside of the door is ma. The sight of her causes my act to melt right away. I contained my tears but I still look like a mess.

"Come here Taehyung, let me treat your wound," she leads me to my bed.
I nod and follow.

I take off my shirt to make the job easier for her.

She gently dabs on the wound with alcohol to clean it.
"Aish, the wooden block Mr. Park used was harsh," Ma shakes her head.

"Ma......those were lies." I start.

She stops for a second, "I know," she continues.

"I never talked bad about PK, I would never talk bad about any company."

"I know that son, and......Hope-"

"It wasn't her fault. She didn't knock the table over, Jihyun purposely knocked it over and tried to blame it on me but she took the blame," I explain.

"She's really grown to be a strong girl," ma sighs.

"You recognized her?" I ask with some shock, it's been at least ten years since she last seen her.

"You think I wouldn't know if you didn't mention it? I recognized her the moment you kicked her to greet us," she teases.
I crack a small smile.

She finish up with cleaning and bandaging my wound.
"You should head to bed now, it's been a long day for you. I'm proud of you son," she smiles and gives me a hug.

"Thank you ma."
Making my mom proud is my only purpose to be here.

The next day, I get praised and acknowledged by many students and professors as I walk around campus. Especially in Organization Behaviour class with Professor Park.
"Kim Taehyung and Jung Hope, could I get you two to stand up please."

"Everyone, please join me in giving a round of applause to Hope and Taehyung with the successful event they created yesterday." She smiles.

Everyone applause and cheers.
I watch as Hope grins proudly. I don't blame her, this project is something to be proud of.

The next few weeks of classes go as usual, Hope and I return to the same interaction with each other like before, only we bicker less now.

At the end of class one day, Hope speaks to me.
"Taehyung, the boys Jin, Jimin and Kook are having a end of semester celebration dinner tonight. Wanna join? I don't know if your parents will let you, but the guys would like to celebrate with you as well," she offers.

That sounded like a oddly kind offer.

"You know my father," that's all I say.

She nods and walk off.

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