Chapter Ten

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*Jin's POV*

Yesterday night, I finally left the hospital.
Seokyi swore that she will never talk to me if I didn't go home to sleep and shower so I did. Everyone else also urge me to go home and Tae and Namjoon offered to stay so I left.

I made sure to wake up early today to go to the hospital. I want to spend all day with Seokyi since I probably have to return to Daejeon soon.

I make my way to the streets, stopping by a bakery on the way.

The sight of these delicacies make my mouth water. Cream puffs in flavours such as green tea, strawberry, chocolate and original, tempts me to taste them. Tarts dotted with berries sit patiently waiting to be chosen. Many more pastries are successful at making my stomach grumble. I decide on a few tarts and a couple pastries.

I walk my way to the hospital, it isn't far from our apartment and it's nice to have some fresh air. Being stuck in a hospital for a week would be a pain, but considering my mindset at that time, it was the only place I wanted to be.

"Jeez, I must've been a pain in the butt for them when they tried to help me. I hope they like sweets." I mumble to myself.

"Good morning!" I call out with a big smile.
In return, Tae glares at me for waking him up and Joon just smiles at me. Seokyi is still sound asleep.
"I stopped by a bakery on the way here, have a tart," I offer to them.

Namjoon grabs the box and open it, revealing three beautiful tarts. Taehyung takes one and starts to devour it.
"Is it good?"
"Hmm" he nods.
Namjoon takes the other and tries it. He nods in satisfaction.
I leave the last one for Seokyi.

Soon, Seokyi arouses.
"Good morning!" I greet her.
"Good morning," she smiles at me.
"I stopped by the bakery on the way here, left you a tart," I offer
"Thanks Jin, but the doctor said that I can only eat the meal the nurse will bring in later since they want to do a special blood test on me. You have it," she explains
"Oh okay then, I'll save it for one of the others." I nod.

Minutes later, the nurse brings in Seokyi's 'special' meal. A bland, thick bowl of oatmeal with milk. Not appetizing.
"Trust me, this isn't good," Seokyi notifies me in between her spoonfuls.
"Yeah, I didn't think it was."
Even though it isn't good, she still finishes it.

"I'm going to go back now, I should get a couple hours of sleep. Are you good here Jin?" Namjoon asks.
"Oh yeah, of course. Thank you hyung. Tae, you should go home too," I suggest
"Well, I don't really have anywhere to go. I'll just stay, it's fine," Tae says
I nod and Joon makes his way out.

After two hours, the doctor comes to take some blood to bring to the lab for check up.

2:00 pm
As I chat with Taehyung, a figure walks through the door. Just by Tae's change in expression, I know who it is.
"Hey baby sister." I greet her without turning around.
"Hey Jin."
"By the way, shouldn't you be sleeping?" I ask
"It's 2:00 pm, it's the afternoon, I had my rest at night," she replies

I watch as my 'baby sister' and my big sister click like sisters.

At 6:00 all of them start to pile in again. I guess it's a thing for us to have a 'family' dinner here, Kook brought over takeout from Seokyi's favourite restaurant.

When Seokyi wake up from her nap, her eyes widen
"Whoa. What are you guys all gathered here for?" She asks with a wide grin.
"Well, for you. We think you guys would be bored." Namjoon shoots us his dimple smile.
We all create a big circle around Seokyi.

"As much as I love you guys here, I suggest that Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Hope should return to Dajeon tomorrow. You guys are in university, you can't miss so many classes," Seokyi suggests seriously.
"I agree." Hobi nods
"But....." I sigh
"No buts. Jin you know you already missed a week. You're gonna loose your acting role too," she reasons.
I do know that I missed too many days of school. Missing a week? In university? Without confirmation? Not good.
Oh I forgot about that.

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