Chapter Twenty Four

19 1 6

*Hope's POV*

I wake up to the ear piercing sound alarm.

8:00 am.

I get to ditch class today. But the event is today and I don't want to go.

Maybe I can just ditch it and let Taehyung do it, I'm sure he can do it just fine.

I bury myself under my blanket.

No no Hope, don't be so negative. You've worked so hard the past months you can't just give up the last second.
I finally persuade myself to get up, it's going to be a long day.

I throw on the nicest clean outfit I have, I have to at least look decent in front of all of those professionals.

I arrive at the conference centre at 10:15.

I walk up to Taehyung with a confident smile, after yesterday, I think things have lighten up between the two of us.
"You're late," Taehyung says to me annoyingly.


"I'm a couple minutes late but not that late," I cross my arms in defence.

"You're late, the professionals will be piling in for rehearsal in half an hour," he says sternly.

Why's he suddenly so cold?

"Ok, I'll check over the decorations," I say.
With such a cold expression I don't want to be anywhere near him. What's wrong with him? He was so positive yesterday and today he's back to just like how we were in the beginning. Well, if that's what he wants, that's what I'll give him.

I take a stroll around the whole place checking all the decorations and making sure the tables are set up just the way I planned it.

At 11:00 am, the professionals start to come in for rehearsal of how everything is going to work. Obviously Taehyung greets and leads them through the rehearsal. He's much more known and everyone wants to talk to him, and he's also better at speaking. I just do the background work.

At the end of the rehearsal most of the professionals are gone already, Joon and Yoongi rehearsed their performance. I sit at the back and rest as I watch their performance. I'm so proud of them, they've come a long way to get here.
"Nice job as always," I smile as they approach me.

"Thank you,
"Ready for tonight?" Joon smiles.

"Can I be honest?"

He nods.

"I'm actually extremely terrified and nervous. I know everything is ready and well prepared but I still can't help but stress about it," I complain.

"Well, I think you should stop stressing and worrying about what could go wrong. You worked so hard, have some faith in yourself okay?" He pats my back.

"Plus, knowing Taehyung and his experiences. If something wrong does happen, he always makes it work," Yoongi adds.

"Yeah, thank you for that. I needed it," I smile.

By 2 pm everyone's already gone. We do some finish touches. By the time we finish it's already 4 pm and we have to be back at 5 since the event starts at 6 so there's really no point going back to my dorm. Not that I planned to anyways.

At 5 pm, Taehyung goes to change his outfit. He changes out of his ripped jeans and sweatshirt into black dress pants and pastel pink dress shirt. Fancy. Not much like mine.
"Are you not going to change?" He asks

"No, I don't have anything better to change into."

He looks at me from head to toe and sighs and walks away.

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