Chapter Eight

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*Hope's POV*

I feel a shake on my shoulder. I turn and I'm greeted by Jungkook and Taehyung.

"You two can go home now, if you want. We got it from here," Jungkook says.
"Thanks but I want to make sure he eats something when he wakes up before I go home."
"And I have to go home with Hope so I guess I'm staying a bit more too," Jimin adds

He nods and they take a seat beside Jimin.

Right away, Jimin rests his head on Kook's shoulder.
They're adorable.

"By the way, I brought some leftovers from breakfast for you three."

Soon, Jin wakes up.

"Good morning hyung," Taehyung greets Jin.
Surprisingly enough, Jin responds.
"Good morning Tae, Jimin, Jungkook, Hope."

I give him a smile, not receiving one in return as expected.

JAS~: Where are u?? I didn't see you at breakfast today and yesterday and you're not at the library.
HOPE~: I'm at Seoul right now
JAS~: OH that's a surprise but have fun?
HOPE~: Not really, but thanks, anyways, what's up? How r u today? Did u have rehearsal for the new movie you were talking about?
JAS~: I'm alright, our film team for the new play is freaking out cuz we're missing our main actor, who I happen to play as his best friend. I have no idea who he is but he seems important. How about you?
HOPE~: Ooo, I'm excited to watch you act! I'm alright, my friend is still not waking :( her brother is so scared we're so worried for him.
JAS~: I hope she wakes up soon:(
HOPE~: Yeah...
JAS~: there's something you should know...
HOPE~: What?..... you're scaring me
JAS~: You're the talk of the school

I furrow my eyebrows.

JAS~: Something about this popular boy....
HOPE~: .....Kim. Tae. hyung.....
JAS~: yep....
HOPE~: Thanks for letting me k
JAS~: Of course, don't worry too much about it tho, I'm sure it will die down soon.

"Oh frick," I accidentally blurt out.
"What's wrong Hope?" Jungkook asks.
"Oh...nothing..." I start
"Tell me please?" Jungkook makes his Bambi eyes.
"You know I hate that, that works right?"

He nods.

"Alright, so you know how I hate being the center of attention?" I start

Jimin and Jungkook nods seemingly interested, Tae on the other hand is looking into thin air. How ironic because it's his fault.

"Well, you know how Taehyung is-"
"Aye, don't bring me into this," he interrupts

I continue disregarding him.

"Anyways, you know how he's the center of attention basically anywhere. Well, our school are big gossipers and my friend just told me that I'm the talk of the school, because of a boy. Kim Taehyung."

All our eyes turn towards that spoiled brat.

"What do I have to do with your problems?" He glares at me.
"Oh, I don't know. Who dragged me by my wrist out of school?" I eye him.
"And how is it my fault that you are being talked about at school?"
"Because you idiot is extremely popular with many 'fans' that questions everytime you are seen with a new girl. Adding on to the five that you already flirt with," I argue.
"You idiot, you think I would flirt with you?!" He scowls
"Hell no! That's not what I meant. That's what others will think!"
"Not my problem," Tae declares.

I roll my eyes at him.

"Can you two please stop bickering so loudly?" Jimin scolds.

I grip Jimin's arm.
"What do I do now Jimini??" I complain.
"Honestly, you can't really do anything..." he pointed out.
"Come on! You couldn't have at least tried to comfort me? I already knew that!"
"I guess all you can do now Hope is to wait for it to die down," Jungkook says
"Ugh I guess." I cry in distress

Taehyung is an idiot, causing my life so many troubles, why can't he be more like his hyungs or Jungkook.

I give up and try to feed Jin.
"Big brother, let's eat some food that Kookie brought us," I say to him.
"It's fine."
"Too bad, we're eating," I nudge his arm
He shakes his head.

I plant a kiss on his cheek again. I don't know why I did that in the first place yesterday but it worked.
"Please?" I look at him.

Finally, he gives in and we eat.

Soon, the doctor comes in to do a check up on Seokyi.

"From what I can check, she seems to be fine, she's just not waking," the doctor says in frustration.
"Okay. Is there anything that we can help with?" I ask.
"Honestly, I'm going to say not much because it's all up to her body to fight to wake up. You can talk to her sometimes," he says.
"Okay, thank you." Jungkook nods.
"Of course. Please come find me once she wakes up," he nods.

"Oh, Jin, you're looking a lot better," he adds on.
Jin gives him a small smile.
"Must be your friends here," the doctor gestures towards Taehyung and I.
I give him a smile and he walks away.

I spend another hour trying to chat with Jin.
Note the word try.

My mouth stretch to a long yawn.
I'm tired. I've been here all night, couldn't get a glance of sleep.
"Hope and Jimin, you guys should go home and rest," Jungkook suggests
"Sounds like a good idea. Please let us know if anything big happens. Bye," I yawn again.

We start to get up.

"...m-mm...." a coarse mumble stops us in our tracks.

I turn towards Kook, and Tae. They shake their heads. Mumble wasn't coming from them.

Am I just imagining things now?

I turn towards Jin.
Jin's expression shows it all.
His eyes trace to Seokyi, his eyes widen and starts to gloss. Colour begins to flood back in to his face.

"Seokyi..." He says.
"....S-Seokj-jin...." she mumbles in return.
The mumble was from Seokyi.

She has awaken.

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