《You ok, Y / n?》

Hearing his voice reassures me, I say I'm fine, but I'm a little nervous. He puts his hand on my thigh, but just to calm me. And he succeeds.

《People who see me will think you're kidnapping me.》I say turning my blindfolded eyes to the seat next to mine.

《The windows are darkened. No one will see you. And we all know you would let yourself be kidnapped by me.》I hear him chuckle.

《Stupid.》 I roll my eyes laughing, even though he can't see me.

I rely on the noises I hear, his key start the car. Drives for quite a while, as we talk about a little bit of everythin.

《Remember the bet we made?》

《Yeah.》 He refers to that time we ran to the agency, and who arrived first, won a wish from the other.

《Remember that you still have to fulfill that wish.》 I don't see him, but I can swear he's smiling. I hear it from the tone of his voice.

I'm sure he has a plan. Which kind of excites me.
The car stops. He looses his belt, I feel his body heat approaching me, his hands run along my bare thighs, until he reaches my belt, untying it.

《Can I remove the blindfold?》

《Not yet.》

He gets out of the car and immediately opens the door on my side.
His hand takes mine and leads me out, I try to put my feet well, wearing heels while being blindfolded is not the best.

Jungkook keeps me steady and tight to him, so I'm sure I won't fall. We walk slowly. The fresh evening air wakes me completely. It's not cold, it feels good.

I try to put my feet upright. But I'm still afraid of falling on my face, banging my nose and dying. Too dramatic? Try to be blindfolded while walking on high heels.

He stops.
《Stay here and wait, I come back in a minute.》

《Wait!》my call didn't hemp, his hands let go of my body.

I feel even more anxious than before. My heart was beating wildly. I try to listen to every sound that surrounds me, I hear metallic noises, like mechanisms. But I don't understand at all what it could be and where Jungkook brought me.


《I'm here, now I'll take your blindfold off.》I sigh relieved.

His hands loosen up the blindfold behind my head, the fabric tickles my skin before I'm completely free from it. I blinked a couple of times, I saw everything blurred. Jungkook stood beside me, looking at me.

The Ferris wheel was dominant in front of me. All the cabins were dark except for one, which was slowly descending towards us. It's the same cabin where we went up on our first date. It's the only white of all.

I look at the luminous cabin before us. All around the cabin there were white roses intertwined, along with little lights that give off a faint and timid light, it gave a magical atmosphere. The doors open, inside was a table, all prepared, other lights and roses decorated the interior.

《Wow.》my hanging jaw, wide eyes that were becoming shiny with emotion. I feel I was about to cry.

《Do you like it?》a hint of insecurity in his voice.

《If I like it?! It's-it's ... beautiful. How did you do everything?》I ask, looking at Jungkook, he smiled with satisfaction.

《I'm Jeon Jungkook, did you forget?》He raises his eyebrow a couple of times, with attitude, playfully.

broken love. ➳ j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now