Chapter 19 - I'm okay... for now.

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It was all over the news, Endeavor was charged with murder, child abuse, and assault. He was sent to jail for several weeks but then released after crime rate started rising again.

Enji has promised to protect the city and the citizens, even promising to apologize to his kids and wife. Everyone knew it wasn't gonna happen since he's not allowed to see any of them yet.

Although Endeavor was back, he was no longer the number one hero. The title was instead, given to Hawks. People across the city celebrated, besides Hawks himself. The young man was still sad about losing his best and only friend.

Even so, I've got a job to do. I'll protect Shoto, just like he asked me to, and I'll protect the people just like...we wanted to.

After several weeks, Rei was finally released from the hospital. She was now living with Fuyumi and Nastuo, at the same Japanese style home. Enji wasn't allowed to go back there, not until Rei felt ready, which was a good thing.

"Good luck with your hero work!" Fuyumi, Rei and Nastuo waved goodbye towards Shoto, "Thanks!" He replied, waving back before continuing his walk back towards the dorms.

"I'm sorry...for leaving you, that day..."

Shoto stopped at his tracks as he remembered his brother's words.

He didn't normally visit since it just brought back bad memories, making him feel uneasy. His long lost brother, someone whom he completely forgot about at some point, saved him from his own father. It made him sad that he'd never got to spend more time with him.

"I'm sorry for your loss...Todoroki-kun..."

Only a selected few people know about about Dabi being Touya. There's Aizawa, Hawks, his classmates and family, that's all that knew.

Shoto stopped at the gate of the cemetery, eyes looking up at the sky. It was a beautiful day, for such a sad moment.

The teen took a deep breath before entering the cemetery, stopping when he saw a familiar name.

Touya Todoroki


He ran his hand along the gravestone, remembering the fight they had against Evdeavor. The villains came in contact with Shoto through Hawks, they wanted to know if he was okay and that they are also upset about Touya. His classmates were also upset for Shoto, sorry for what he's been through.

They all knew the risks of becoming a hero, yet they chose to become one. Touya knew the risks of becoming a villain, yet he chose to become one.

Even so, he died a hero. In the end, he chose to protect his kid brother and chose to die a hero.

"Todoroki?" The teen lifted his head up slightly with the call of his name. He turned his head to face Midoriya, followed by Bakugo and Kirishima and then the rest of his classmates "What are you guys doing here?" He asked, facing the gravestone again.

"We all came to visit him" Midoriya replied, the girls walked towards the gravestone to put down flowers "Thank you" Shoto thanked, earning nods from them "No problem Todoroki-san."

The rest of the class walked up towards the grave to start praying, even Bakugo prayed which surprised Shoto.

"You okay man?" Kirishima asked, putting a hand on Shoto's shoulder. "Yeah, I'm okay" He replied, reassuring everyone with a smile.

And this time, he's wasn't lying. He meant it, he truly meant it. Back then, he would always lie to himself, lying to everyone that he was okay. But now...

Thank you brother...because of you, I am here.

Because of Aizawa, I feel safe.

Because of Kirishima, I have courage.

Because of Bakugo, I have a will.

Because of Midoriya, I won't and never will give up.

Because of my family and Takami, I'll be a hero.

And Because of everyone, I'm okay.

Thanks for reading... The first part of the story.

Finished this chapter sooner than I expected! Thank you guys so much for reading!!! I had so much fun writing this story and I'm glad you guys enjoyed!

On July... An old threat emerges to the surface.

If you like this story, please check out my recent story 'Great Escape' if you enjoy "evil" Todoroki!

Peace out! ✌🏻

I'm OkayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora