Chapter 7 - We will save him

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"It's all gonna depend on Todoroki-Kun"

The two boys waited for the teen to continue, they were eager to know what the green haired teen was thinking.

"We'll just have to ask him ourselves!"


Shoto was laying down on his futon while staring out his window. The teen wanted to get up but every time he did he would just come plunging right back to the ground.

How pathetic...I can't even get up.

His body was sore due to training yesterday, his father went a bit overboard and burnt the area around his stomach. Shoto hovered his right hand around the area, using the ice from his quirk to ease the pain that was starting to grow. He winced as he accidentally came in contact with the wound "damn it" He muttered under his breath before forcing himself to get up. Shoto ignored the pain and headed to the bathroom.

The teen carefully removed the bandages around his left eye hoping it finally healed. A sigh of relief escaped as the bruise appeared to be gone. He can open his eye properly and It wasn't swollen to the point where it was noticeable which Shoto was thankful for. He stared at his left eye for a while, remembering the times he would always look in the mirror to see if the burn his mother gave him would ever go away.

"That child's left side is unsightly! It reminds me of his father!"

*Knock* *Knock*

Shoto's thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking. He put on his hoodie to hide the bandages and proceeded to the door. Opening it, it revealed "Kirishima? What are you doing here?" He asked. The red haired teen took a deep breath "Hey Todoroki, I've been wondering" Shoto hummed, signaling him to continue "Why aren't you around much? I-I've noticed y-you haven't been around the common area or around the dorms in general. Do you go somewhere or do you just stay in your room?" Kirishima asked.

Shoto had a shocked expression on his face, Kirishima noticed but didn't question it "I-I've been visiting my mother a lot recently" The teen replied hoping it'll be enough to convince Kirishima. "Oh is that so? Well I was worried for no reason!" He sighed of relief before putting a hand on his shoulder. The teen flinched as he felt pain surge throughout his left shoulder as Kiriahima started to pat it "Well, take care Todoroki. See ya around" Kirishima waved goodbye as he walked around the corner where Midoriya and Bakugo were.


"Did Todoroki-Kun show any reaction?"

Kirishima balled his fist "Yeah, it was written all over his face. I think you're right Midoriya, someone might be hurting him".

"And that someone might be that asshole who's number one" Bakugo finished.

"We still don't know if it's true, we should gather more information and find proof to make sure we're correct. That way we can tell one of the teachers, otherwise we'll just get in trouble with Aizawa Sensai".

Bakugo and Kirishima both looked at each other before nodding.

"So, whats the plan?"

Shoto stumbled to the floor of his bathroom, gripping his left shoulder in the process. He grunted in pain as he reached for bandages, painkillers and numbing cream which were all sitting on the sink.

It's not his fault! He didn't know! It's not his fault!

Shoto took off his hoodie and applied the numbing cream, cleaning the wound with water first. He then wrapped bandages around the wound, it was a struggle but he managed. The teen slid down the wall and reached for the bottle of painkillers, he swallowed the pill whole and waited for it to take effect.

I'm okay...I'm okay...The teen repeated those words in his head, he didn't realize how much time has passed or that the pain went away. He just sat there, lights off and door closed. It was dark, the window in his bathroom was the only source of light.

Shoto stood up slowly and made his way towards his futon, using the wall for support since he was feeling a bit dizzy.

Probably from dehydration or just starvation.

The teen hasn't eaten since yesterday, he wanted food but didn't really want to see anyone right now. Shoto walked over to his backpack and pulled out a granola bar, he's been keeping snacks in his room for emergency's like these.

His room was a mess but he didn't really care, he never really cared about anything. Or, that was what he thought. Determined to save Midoriya and Iida from the hero killer, determined to save Bakugo from that blue flames user, determined to retrieve Bakugo even if it meant risking his own life. Looks like Shoto did care about some things. He's noticed but got punished for it.

"You're supposed to only focus on yourself and no one else! You got that?! Make a move like that again and it'll be worse than the hero killer incident!"

When his father found out he helped retrieve Bakugo, Shoto was given a burn on his back which was still there. The teen risked his life everyday for his siblings, just so they don't get hurt. He cares for them which is why his father beats him almost everyday, as punishment.

Enji wanted Shoto to surpass All Might, that was the whole reason he was born but after his retirement he didn't really have use for Shoto anymore so he just beat him outta pure rage, using him as a punching bag. Enji won the number one spot yes but, he didn't win by beating All Might but by All Might giving it to him, All Might letting him take it.

"Damn it all!" Enji cursed under his breath before punching a whole right through the wall.

"Yo Enji, whats the matter with you?" Hawks asked while playing on his phone.

"Noth-" Before Enji could finish, Tsukauchi cut him off "Endeavor, you really gotta stop breaking stuff" Hawks hummed in agreement.

"Tch! Whatever!"

"Dinner is ready!" Iida yelled while sprinting around the dorms. Midoriya and Kirishima were in Bakugo's room where they discussed about the plan.

"How is stalking Todoroki gonna work? He's gonna notice, have you seen him in battle? You can't even sneak up on the guy" Kirshima pointed out. Bakugo crossed his arms and stared up the ceiling as Midoriya began to mutter to himself.

"Let's just eat dinner, we'll talk more once we're done" Bakugo suggested, the other two teens agreed and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Wow Jiro! I didn't know you can cook! I always thought you were plain dumb" Kaminari teased.

"Oh! Look who's talking, jamming way!" Kyoka teased back. The students around the table all chuckled. Midoriya looked around to find no sign of Todoroki "I wonder if he's eaten anything today" he thought to himself. Kirishima also looked around, he was hoping to find the teen but there was no sign of him which caused him to worry.

"If it's true then I-no! We will save him! I'll make sure of it!" The red haired teen thought to himself.

To be continued...

Okay! Finally! I finished the chapter-Wait... 1K fucking views!!! I just noticed! Thank you guys so much!

 1K fucking views!!! I just noticed! Thank you guys so much!

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I'll be updating more soon but for now,

Peace out! ✌🏻

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