Chapter 15 - Bombing

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"It's all set Dabi!" Hawks said, giving a thumbs up. "All we need to do now set up this one and the fire alarm to evacuate everyone from this building, that way no one would die during the explosion" Dabi replied.

"You're a villain yet you don't want anyone to die?" Hawks questioned "Tch! Shut your damn mouth!" Dabi scoffed, not understanding why he's choosing to spare their lives. It didn't matter to him, if they all died. All he really cared about was protecting his family from that man, not protecting the lives of others. What is he thinking? "The explosion is to lure Endeavor here, the weak nomus will fight the other pros while the strong ones fight Endeavor" Dabi said out of the blue.

"You know...when I saw Endeavor hit Shoto-kun like that, I was sure you were going to go berserk mode and ruin our cover" Hawks chuckled "I was...It would've been difficult with the kids there...especially Shoto, he woulda've gotten hurt in the process" Dabi replied, setting up the last bomb. "So you don't like hurting other people" Hawks stated, smiling at the scarred man. "Tch, whatever...I only hurt those who do bad" Dabi replied "Like Endeavor?" Hawks asked "Like Endeavor" Dabi repeated.

"Nastuo, don't you have classes tomorrow?" Rei asked, scooting a bit closer to him.

"Yeah, I can stay longer though" Nastuo assured "No, it's okay, you should go and get rest, you too Fuyumi, I don't want to be a bother" Rei protested. "It's okay mom, you aren't a bother, don't worry about me and Nastuo, we don't mind staying a little longer" Fuyumi said, smiling happily at her mother. Rei returned the smile, and turned to face Nastuo. His expression was shocked and looks like he'd seen a ghost.

"Nastu-?" Before Rei could finish, Nastuo cut her off "There's a fucking fire!" He exclaimed, pointing at the building next to them. Fuyumi and Rei rushed over to the window, watching as people ran and panicked.

"What the-!"

"This is an emergency! I repeat! This is an emergency! All patients and visitors, please exit the building from door C! I repeat, exit the building from door C!"

"You guys go ahead, I'll see if there's anyone needs help around here" With that, Fuyumi and Rei rushed out the building, Nastuo stayed behind to help everyone to evacuate.

"Right this way!"


"Hawks, go help with the evacuation. Radio me when you're done so I can blow this place up" Dabi said, rushing down the back staircase "Roger!" Hawks replied, flying out the window.

He spotted civilians waiting and watching from a distance. They'll get caught by the explosion if they don't move. Hawks thought to himself before making his way towards the group of people.

"Look! It's the number two hero! Hawks!" One of the bystanders cried, "Don't worry everyone, we'll take care of this but I need everyone to move away from here, it's dangerous."

"Hawks!" Fatgum called "Is his a villain attack?!"

"I'm not really sure but that doesn't matter right now, rescue is our top priority at this moment, make sure everyone gets out of here!" Hawks replied, flying towards the burning building.

"Everyone! Follow me!"


"Everyone's evacuated!" Hawks yelled through the radio "Good" Dabi replied before pressing the button, he watched as the building exploded, watching as everything fell.

This should be enough to get his attention...

Prepare yourself Enji...prepare yourself, father.


Shoto ran and ran, he ignored the pain and the calls.

"Damn that brat!" Enji growled, balling his fist before rushing towards the explosion, followed by Aizawa. "Don't let the students get involved! I'll be back!" He told.

All Might and the other teachers had to stop the students from going, since they weren't gonna listen "We have to help!" Kirishima protested.

"I understand but, leave this to them" All Might said, looking towards Aizawa, Endeavor and Shoto.


Rei turned to face the door, eyes widened at the sight of her son "Shoto?" She asked, earning a nod and a smile from the teen.

Mom...please...please be okay!

After a few minutes of running, Shoto finally made it, Endeavor and Aizawa just behind him "This isn't good" Aizawa muttered to himself, shocked to see the destruction and chaos. Definitely a villain attack He thought to himself.

Shoto's eyes widened at the sight of Nastuo, without thinking, he ran towards him "Shoto!" The teen exclaimed, happy to see his little brother "Nastuo, where's mom?!" Shoto asked, worried and scared.

"Mom and Fuyumi are over there" He answered, pointing at the little group of people. Shoto quickly headed towards the group, spotting Rei and Fuyumi.

"Shoto!" Rei exclaimed, running towards her son, embracing him in a tight hug "Oh god...I'm so glad your okay" Shoto said while on the verge of tears. Fuyumi and Nastuo joined in the little reunion while Aizawa watched from a distance. Making sure Enji doesn't make a move while also looking out for any villains.

"AHHHH!" Someone cried, catching the attention of Aizawa and Endeavor as their eyes darted towards the source of the scream. "It's a monster!" He shouted, he was right.

A nomu-no, several nomus appeared from the building, and they weren't just normal nomus, they were "the ones from USJ" Aizawa muttered.

"Todoroki fucking Enji" A familiar voice said, making Aizawa widen his eyes as a familiar figure appeared out of the smoke.

"I wonder if you can save them in the end"

"Dabi!" He scoffed, tightening his fist in anger as memories from the training camp filled his mind. Dabi smirked, eyes focused on Endeavor "It's been a long time, Enji."

"What are you planning? What do you want?!" Enji asked, annoyed.

"You ask what I want, well you see..." Dabi paused.

"You failure! You disgrace! Nothing but fucking garbage! Get the fuck up!"
"Enji! Please stop this! He can't take anymore!"

"Shut up and get the hell out of my way!"



"Leave Shoto alone! Leave mom alone! Leave everyone the fuck alone!"

"Who do you think you are boy?! You don't order me around like that!"


"Talk back to me again and I'll break your other arm!"


"...I want you to die."

To be continued...

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