Against Corruption, For Peace

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Y/n P.o.v

I was on the hill, where I stood last night, I was watching the sun rising on the horizon. I slept, if you were wondering if I didn't sleep, but I woke up earlier for just in case this might've been the last sunrise I ever see. I took a deep breath, and sighed.

N/n: "It seems like you're enjoying the view." N/n landed on my shoulder. "You know you can stay and avoid this fight, right?" I scoffed.

Y/n: "All my life, I always had you beside me. And from the moment I understoof you, you never told me to back down and stay away from a fight." I looked at him. "What made you change your mind?"

N/n: "Because in all your life, you've suffered too much at a young age. Now, you have a choice. You always did. But this is where you have to think, what's in it for me? Is all this bloodshed really worth to spill. Does this war has to happen just to make peace?" I looked back at the horizon.

Y/n: "This war was bound to happen, whether we like it or not. This life, this Imperial Arm, it chose me. I didn't had the opportunity to walk away, but I'm glad I didn't had it." I smiled, and remembered everyone I met, Night Raid and The Jaegers, our precious moments. "Because if I walked away, I wouldn't have met the people that I care about." I looked back at him. "I was born into this war. I wasn't the one that started it, but I'm sure hell that I will finish it!" He scoffed a few times, then started to laugh.

N/n: "I'm glad to hear that. I was having doubts that you were going to fall for that and back away. But, at least you still stick to your word." I shook my head. "Are you going to speak to her?" I nodded. "Then, see you in the battle field." He took off and went towards the direction of the Capital.

I heard someone yawning, a few streches, and cracks of bones. Then, a cheery voice came.

Seryu: "Hey, Y/n!" I looked to the side. Seryu appeared and gave me a huge smile. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I nodded.

Y/n: "Morning to you. And yes. I slept pretty well. How about you?"

Seryu: "I slept perfectly." She turned to the horizon, and her eyes shown with the sun. "It's beautiful." She said in amazement.

Y/n: "Yes. Yes it is."

Seryu: "Want breakfast? I can cook us something. I'll be right back." She started to walk away, but I grabbed her arm and stopped her. She looked at me confused, and with a small blush. "W-What's wrong?"

Y/n: "I... I have to do something first." I took a swallow of saliva, which I didn't realized that I was holding it. "And it might take me the whole day."

Seryu: "Then, I'll make you breakfast for you to take on the way." I shook my head with a small and sad smile.

Y/n: "Thank you, but I don't need it. There are some unfinished business that I must attend to. And-"

Seryu: "Y/n,..." She took hold of my hand. "'re going to war, aren't you?" I sighed and nodded. "Then don't go. Stay, and let them handle it."

Y/n: "Seryu, I can't."

Seryu: "Yes you can! It's not like you don't have a choice. And right now, you do." She tighten her grip. "Please stay." She pleaded and made puppy eyes. As much as I wanted to stay, I couldn't.

Y/n: "Seryu-" I started, but she took hold of my shirt, pulled me, and kissed me.

I was shocked at her actions. Never thought she would do it so soon. She separated from me, and looked down, not showing her eyes.

Seryu: "Please, don't go to a place where I can't reach you." My eyes widened even more. She said the same thing I told her when Dr. Stylish was killed. 'Does she remember?' I asked myself wondering if her memories has returned. Her eyes showed plead, sadness, and desperation, and it made my heart ache to see that.

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