Awaited Moments

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Y/n P.o.v

I caressed her waist, earning a small moan from Esdeath, which I took the chance to let my tongue enter her mouth. I felt her body flinch in surprise, but battled my tongue for dominance.

She took hold beside my head while caressing my hair and clenching it lightly. She started to grind on me, making some sexy moans.

Without breaking the kiss, I sat up and caressed her back. She tightened her grip on my head, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. Our tongue war seems to go endless because neither of us won. I went up her back and reached for her bra. I took hold of it, and started to undo it.


We stopped what we were doing, slowly separating from each other, showing that we were irritated that someone just interrupted us.

Esdeath: "Who is it!?" She didn't let go of me, and I didn't let go of her bra, but I kept holding her as well.

Zeth: "It's Zeth, General. I must speak with you for a moment." I was surprised that he was there. I had a thought of hiding, but I also thought of killing him for ruining this.

Esdeath: "You dare interrupt my nightly routine for just a talk!? Leave, and we speak tomorrow!" I was hoping for him to leave, and Esdeath seemed eager.

Zeth: "My apologies, but it's important." She seemed like she wanted to open the door and kill him. "I'm not leaving until you hear me out."

Esdeath sighed and got off me. I was very disappointed what was happening right now. He just appeared when Esdeath and I were just getting started, and Esdeath wanted this. She took hold of her shirt and put it on, but didn't button it up.

She turned to me, and signaled beneath her bed. I nodded and went under her bed to hide. I saw her walking towards the door and opened it.

Esdeath: "What do you want!" She said irritated. There was a moment of silence.

Zeth: "Wow. I must say, your skin looks fair.~" I raised an eyebrow and my eye twitched.

Esdeath: "On with the main topic! What was the thing that you wanted to speak to me!?" I saw that Zeth tried to take a step, but stopped and didn't move.

Zeth: "I just wanted to inform that the reunion has been moved to a secure site. A cave beneath the mountains of Fake Mountain." My eyes widened.

Esdeath: "Meaning that there won't be followers within the crowd."

Zeth: "Indeed. Also, they'll play as normal civilian inside a rusty old carriages. Farm traders to be exact." I had a smirk on my face. 'Thanks for the heads up, Warchief.' I thought.

Esdeath: "Thank you for the information. I'll inform the Jaegers tomorrow morning." She was going to close the door, but it abruptly stopped.

Zeth: "Another thing. I want to thank you for saving my life back there from the brat of a L/n."

Esdeath: "It was General's duty to protect her comrades."

Zeth: "I know, but I feel that we have a special connection." I was shocked that he said that. "Between you and me, I believe that yo-" He was taking a step closer to her, but Esdeath created a sword of ice and moved it up.

Esdeath: "Our relationship is strictly professional, Zeth! There is no connection, no we! Know your place, Warchief! Do you understand!?" Zeth took a step back.

Zeth: "O-Of course, ma'am."

Esdeath: "Good. Now leave!" She slammed the door on his face.

It was small, but I started to hear better again, as in I could hear better than a normal human again. Zeth foosteps started to decrease, until they disappeared. I started to get out of under the bed, and saw Esdeath looking down at me.

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