Exorcising Demons Part 2

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Y/n P.o.v

Kyoko: "Hey love, you ok? You look tired."

It was almost dusk, and we were in front of her house. I was tired as hell. And a little sored about... nevermind about that.

Last night, Leone tied me to a chair because I didn't say goodbye to her. I learned my lesson and I won't do it again. Just in case, today she left early for a mission, so I'm fine.

Lubbock spoke to me this morning about me being lucky of being alive, and that he understood that I had a date today with Kyoko. He almost kills me for that. But, I didn't let the thing about Mez slide. He actually was a little embarrassed about it.

Bols was a little desperate to see his family. He almost left HQ, but I told him that I'll get them and that he had to be a little more patient. Eventually, he sighed and back away. But, for how long will he have to keep waiting?

Tatsumi and Chelsea were a little more closer than before. This morning in the kitchen, Chelsea was feeding Tatsumi. It was a little uncomfortable.

The others, well, I need to speak to them. Have more communication and quality time with them. Akame, Mine, Sheele, Bulat, everybody. I've been more on missions than with myself and comrades.

Anyways, I was wearing a black shirt with a grey coat, blue pants, and black boots. And she was wearing a green with black accent dress, black fancy slippers, and her hairstyle was a bun. We were ready to go.

Y/n: "I'm fine." She nodded.

Kyoko: "So, where are you taking me?"

Y/n: "For tonight, we are gonna have dinner and have a good time."

Kyoko: "Just dinner?" She pouted.

Y/n: "Well..." I went behind her. "... close your eyes." I looked at her and she did. I took out a necklace. It was a silver chain with a pendant shaped like a heart, and a diamond in the middle. I put it on her. *If you behave for a few hours, I think you'll earn more than a dinner.~* I whispered, and her body shivered a little. She turned to me.

Kyoko: "Stop being a bad boy..." She took hold of my arm and pulled me. Our bodies were touching. "...and let's get this over with.~"

Y/n: "Feisty. But first,..." I caressed her cheek. "...let's go and have a good time." She leaned to my touch and smiled. "Shall we?" I readied my arm, and she wrapped her arm around mine.

Kyoko: "Let's." She nodded. We started walking to a direction. She look at her necklace and smiled. "It's beautiful. Thank you." I smiled.

It has been fifteen minutes since we started walking. We were passing a lot of restaurants, and Kyoko was guessing which place that we'll be eating.

Kyoko: "Is it this one?" I shook my head. "Then, what about that one?" I shook my head again. "That one?" I shook my head for the twentieth time. "Oh come on, love!!! I know that the sight is something to behold, but I'm anxious. Can you tell me which one is it?" She asked the last part with puppy eyes.

Y/n: "We're almost there. I promise." She pouted.

Kyoko: "You said that three minutes ago." I chuckled at her cuteness.

I stopped and looked at a tall building. I saw an alleyway, and started walking through it.

Kyoko: "Umm, love. I don't like this. Where are you taking me?"

We were inside the dark alleyway, I turned to her, looked behind her, and no one was looking at our direction. I looked at Kyoko again with a smile.

Y/n: "Do you trust me?"

Kyoko: "W-What?"

Y/n: "Do you trust me?" I repeated with more enthusiasm. She hesitantly nodded. "Then close your eyes, and don't open them until I tell you to. Can you do that?" She nodded again, and she closed her eyes. "Now, what you're going to feel is a little weird, but don't freak out."

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