Confirming Feelings

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Lubbock P.o.v

I was sitting on one of the couch while looking at Y/n, putting some of his medical herbs with a cotton on one of the bumps on Akame's head. To say more, Akame had three bumps on her head, one on top of the other. It was funny.

After Leone rushed to the kitchen and beat Akame's head, Akame came out with small tears appearing out of her eyes and holding her forehead. From what she told us, is that Leone was being held by Susano. The others went to the kitchen and wait for their food, some to calm Leone down. Akame winced when Y/n touched one of the bumps.

Akame: "Does it look bad?" Y/n tilted his head a few times to the sides.

Y/n: "Nnnnnnnooo, not that much though." I chuckled, and they looked at me.

Lubbock: "I think you wanna build a snowman, Akame." Y/n gave me a glare that made me jump.

Y/n: "I think you need to go, Lubbock. Akame might turn you into dinner. Almost, or worse, like Leone did to Akame." I looked at Akame, and she had killing intent aura.

Lubbock: "IIIIIIII think that I'll head to the kitchen, see what Susano is cooking." I stood up from the couch and ran as fast to the kitchen as possible.

Once I arrive there, I sat on my chair as quick as possible, with chills still running through my body.

Mez: "You alright, Lub?" Mez sat beside me. Let me rephrase that, on me. She was sitting sideways while putting her arms around my neck.

Lubbock: "Yeah, just terrified from Akame." All of a sudden, she kissed me, but I didn't hesitate to kiss her back, and put my hands on her waist. She separated and touched my lips with her finger.

Mez: "Don't worry, I'll take away your fear tonight, and continue with round three." She gave a seductivve smirk, which I returned it.

Mine: "Eww, get a room you two!"

Y/n P.o.v

After Lubbock left, I kept treating Akame's bumps.

Akame: "Hey Y/n, can I kill him after this?" I shook my head.

Y/n: "There are fates worse than death. I think making him feel embarrassed in front of everybody is the best way to do it."

Akame: "Do you have any plans?"

Y/n: "Something will come up." I kept putting the medical herbs on her bumps, and it seemed to be healing.

'...I just hope that her anger subsides. For both of our sakes...' His words echoed in my head.

Oh right, you guys don't know. When I was walking my way back to the camp, Run pulled me to an allyway. He talked about Esdeath's anger towards me. He said that he'll try to calm her so she would be reasonable to talk with.

Akame: "Y/n!?" My thoughts and explanation were interrupted by Akame. Her face was close to mine. Inhces away. I felt my cheeks warm up.

Y/n: "Wh-What is it Akame?"

Akame: "You spaced out. What were you thinking?" She tilted her head, not moving away from me.

Y/n: "I-I was thinking about the wanted posters. I d-don't know how I'm going to get use to staying here doing nothing most of the time." She put her hand on my cheek, making the heat rise more, and she started to get closer. "A-Akame!?"

Akame: "You don't have to worry about it.~ I'll make you get use to it.~" Then, she kissed me. She was embarrassed, I could tell by her red cheeks. But she was enjoying it. 'Leone must have got into her. Or maybe it was when Leone hit her head?' I asked myself.

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