Troubles With Emotions

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Y/n P.o.v

I was with the Jaegers, and we were walking towards the fort. Tatsumi and Esdeath were on the hill, watching us.

I was at the back of the group with my hands in my pocket. Wave reduced his pace and was beside me.

Wave: "Why did you do that?" I looked up at the fort.

Y/n: "When you hold a grudge on someone, your emotions starts to turn negative."

Wave: "But, what did Esdeath do to you to act like that?" I looked at him.

Y/n: "She destroyed my village, and was the reason my parents were killed." His expression changed to a shocked one. I didn't care if the others were hearing the truth, I just wanted to let out what were in my head.

Wave: "I-I'm sorry to-"

Y/n: "I don't need your pity Wave. I've moved on from their deaths, but I couldn't stopped my emotions from taking over."

Run: "Meaning you weren't thinking." I looked at Run. "People says a lot of stuff when their angry. Some of them are true and cruel, but sometimes it isn't our fault for acting before thinking."

Y/n: "Thank you, but it also was because I tried to help Tatsumi and she tried to kill me."

Run: "I know. I was there when everything happened. Just try to gain her forgiveness and talk to her normally."

Y/n: "Don't get me wrong, but this isn't a romantic book. She really wants to kill me, and there's no way of changing her mind."

Run: "True."

Then, Kurome was once again hugging my arm while walking.

Kurome: "Why are you so familiar?" She told me with a monotone voice and expression. I shrugged.

Y/n: "Maybe because you know me, but you don't remember." She looked at me.

Kurome: "Do you know me?" I simply nodded. She was going to say something, but was pulled away and dragged towards the front by Seryu.

Wave: "Dude, how?" I shrugged.

We were at the front gates, and there were bandits aiming their guns, arrows, and swords at us.

Bandit1: "You've got a lot of nerves to come here. Especially trying to enter through the front door."

Bandit2: "Check it out, they have cuties with them."

Kurome and Seryu were discusted by their words.

Seryu: "Koro, number five." Koro became big and bit Seryu's right arm. I was shocked of why he did that, but then I noticed that her arms were different. They looked robotic. "I decided to replace my arms for this ones, so I can bring justice to this world." She answered my question without me even asking. Then, Koro started to let go of her, and a big drill was on her arm. "Judgement of the Ten Kings!" She yelled and jumped towards the bandits while raming the bandits in front with the drill.

Bandit3: "WARN THE BOSS, AND CLOSE THE GATES!!!" They closed the gates. I put on the hood, so if they recognize in the street, they'll probably warn the revolution. 'Don't kill, just injure.' I thought.

Seryu: "Next, number seven!" Koro bit her again, and when she took out the next weapon, it was a cannon. She fired and the gates exploded.

Y/n: "Remind me to never be on Seryu's bad side." I announced to the others with amazement.

Run: "That is one destructive power."

Wave: "Then, shall we leave it to her to finish it?"

Dr. Stylish: "I've created those weapos for her. This gloves are God's Hands: Perfector. It increases the minute moments of your fingers several hundred folds. It's the ultimate in stylish Imperial Arm." He kept talking about his stylish-ness, but I just walked inside the fort.

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