Joining Night Raid

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Y/n P.o.v

It has been three days. Three days since I've been taken by Night Raid from the Okimura Family. I would say that I was scared or mad that they took me, but I actually felt relieved and glad they did. Despite they gave me a home, care, and friendship, it still wasn't my place. I didn't belong there. 'I wonder if the maids and butlers got out?' I thought in concern.

The first day I woke up here, I was worried of where I was, but when I found out that I was at Night Raid's HQ, I got worse. A blonde hair girl came to me and told me to calm myself and that no one was going to hurt me, yet. She said 'yet' like it was going to be her that she'll hurt me. She had these sort of attitude towards me, it was obvious that she doesn't like me, but why? Besides that, I was a little calm, and the whole day was sort of... normal, if you can call it that.

Second day was almost the same, but I found Tatsumi sitting in front of two rocks with flowers. I was confused at first, but then I realized that those were tribute like to Ieyasu and Sayo. I gave him his space and respect from the distance. I wanted to look around, but the blonde girl stopped me from doing so. I asked for her name, but she didn't answer and walked away. 'I wonder why she is like that with me?' I asked myself.

Today, and rigth now, I was looking at Tatsumi from the tree beside him. He seemed like he was sitting there these whole time. I managed to get closer to him, and put my hand on his shoulder.

Y/n: "My condolences Tatsumi." I said with sincerelly.

Tatsumi: "Did you knew? Of the corruption in that house?" He said with anger rising.

Y/n: "Yes. I did." He slowly looked at me with anger.

Tatsumi: "And did you warned them?"

Y/n: "I did. The same way I warned you." He pushed away my arm and stood up. Now we were face to face.

Tatsumi: "Why didn't you tell them to run away!!!??? That THAT house was out of its mind!!! You could've saved their lives!!!"

Y/n: "As if I could. I told you, just like every other country person that got to that house, that not everything is what it seems. Yet you, your friends, and every other person kept being naive about being great about promotion and getting enlisted in the Imperial Army." He grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards him.

Tatsumi: "So you did this to save your skin from being tortured. You didn't tell us about it to keep living in that place you called home!" I pushed his arms away, and I was irritated.

Y/n: "Home! You think I called that place home!? It was hell for me! Yes I was their personal/favorite butler, but I never called that home. I was taken from my home, my family! I was there because of need, to live and survive. I tried to find a way to get out without warning the guards or the family, but if I did, they would torture the maids and butlers that helped me, almost raised me for eight years. I couldn't do that to them. You would do the same if you were in my position!" His eye went wide, knowing that I was right. "Besides, let it go, if you do you'll be better. Don't put the blame on me and let them rest." He got to his knees.

Tatsumi: "Then why? Why me? Why should've been me to be save and not them?" I kneeled beside him and put my hand on his shoulder again, trying to calm him down.

Y/n: "Things happen in life for a reason, for you being the only one alive from that house is a good thing, because you can tell other country people to never let their guard down in the Capital. This is your chance to make a difference." He looked at me with sadness yet determination. He nodded, but went towards the tribute to his friends. I stood up and looked at him. 'Seems like he doesn't trust me, but took the advice.' I thought.

Akame Ga Kill! x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang