Unexpected Results

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Y/n P.o.v

I felt light hitting my eyes that made me turn around to avoid it, but I hitted my head with something hard.

Y/n: "DAMN!!!" I rubbed my forehead to ease the pain while sitting up.

???: "Need some ice?" I turned to the voice and there was Najenda, sitting on a chair. "Seems like you had fun last night." I was confused for a few second until I remembered  what happened.

After Najenda and I had our time together at the hot springs, we both went to bed. Our own beds, different beds, not wanting to take things further than what we have done. Ok, I went to my bed and I started to go to sleep, but felt someone straddle me and kiss me. It was Leone having her way with me, but I couldn't say no to that. 'Now I know why N/n said something about being ready.' I thought.

Y/n: "I wouldn't say that I didn't, but she took me off guard and I couldn't do anything about it."

Najenda: "Yet, you still went with the flow?" She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. I smirked and put my feet out of my bed and to the floor while looking at her.

Y/n: "Is someone jealous? Because it's totally unlike you." Her cheeks turned pink and averted her eye to the side. I got closer to her, and her cheek was mere inches away from me. "It's still cute, if I say so myself." She caught me by surprise by turning her head to me and giving me a kiss for one second.

Najenda: *You're annoying, you know that?* She had her eyes half opened while whispering.

Y/n: *That's not what you said last night, and I believe that it's part of my charm, but yeah, I know.* I whispered back while smirking.

She blushed, got away from me and stood up with a small forced smile.

Najenda: "Then I hope that you're ready for your mission today." I got confuse at what she said. "The one that you and Leone agreed? The escort mission?" I flinched again with more confusion.

Y/n: "But isn't that mission suppose to be the day after tomorrow?" She shook her head while scoffing in amusement.

Najenda: "The night that we returned here, you, Leone, Lubbock, and Bulat decided to drink for celebration. You were out for two day for drinking too much." I was shocked that I passed out for two days straight. "That's why everyone wanted you to stay here." That cleared everything. "Now, get dressed, you'll leave in an hour."

Y/n: "An hour, but our missions starts after noon."

Najenda: "It's going to be noon in an hour, so I suggest for you to get ready." I was more shocked, but still nodded. "I have to admit, you're still adorable when you're clueless." I looked at her with a really face. I was going to protest, but she leaned towards me and gave me another kiss. I kissed back with no hesitation, but this one lasted for five seconds. "Do I have to kiss you every time you're going to act stupid?"

Y/n: "I think that'll be all the time then. I won't have any problem though." She shook her head and back away.

Najenda: "I'll see you downstairs with the others. Don't take too long." With that, she left, but not without giving me a side seductive stare, then closed the door.

I shook my head with an embarrassed smile. 'This can't get any better.' I thought. I stood up, put on some blue jeans with combat boots, a black shirt, and my black coat.

N/n: "It seems like you had a good time." I looked at N/n who was at the window.

Y/n: "You know, it's weird being watch while doing it with someone." He shrugged.

N/n: "Ey, it's not my fault that I have to warn you what's to come. Anyways, I have a letter for you." He extended his talon. "It was a risky move, but your mother did everything to hide it from Esdeath and Zeth." I took the letter off his talon.

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