Divided Heart

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Lubbock P.o.v

I was kneeling down, looking at Y/n's unconscious body. Then, I've looked around to see if Tatsumi was going to appear. But then, I heard rapid footsteps heading my way.

???: "HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!" A male voice screamed. Then, huge steps that made the earth shake a little was catching up.

I looked up at the tree that Y/n came from, and got an idea. The tree was a dead tree, so I picked up Y/n and used my strings to pull me to the top. Once I reached the top, I put Y/n leaning to the mountain, but also hiding him away from the view from the ground.

I hid behind a huge branch that cover my body and I had half of my face out of hiding so I could see what was happening on the road.

Few seconds later, I saw a man running the road, but tripped to the floor. I looked where his foot got caught, and it was a... SCYTHE!? My eyes widened and knew that this wasn't just a scythe, but Y/n's weapon. Out of nowhere, three danger beasts appeared, and grabbed the man.

One took hold of his torso, and bit his head off making blood come out from his neck. One of them bit his whole leg taking part of the waist as well, and the last one pulled his arm and the other leg.

I've seen many deaths and tortures, but cannibalism like this wasn't one of them. I put my hand on my mouth to hold the urge of puking, and held my stomach from coming out of its' place.

The one who ate his head, pulled the arm and threw it away, and started to eat the rest of him.

Then, someone landed a few feet away from them. I couldn't see him well, but he was wearing a white shirt that revealed his stomach, and white pants. He looked around, until his head was looking towards the danger beasts.

He whistled at them and caught their attention. They all went towards him. In just three seconds, he ran towards them and was behind them. The danger beasts fell down with blood pouring out of their body. I was surprised and shocked that he was very skillful and fast.

He walked to the place where the danger beasts ate the man, and he sighed with disappointment.

???: "They killed my target and play toy for the night." Now that I was looking down at him, he had light purple hair, and tan skin with an X scar on his face. 'I've seen him before, but where?' I thought. He looked at the arm that was over the scythe. He walked towards it and grabbed the scythe. "But, I guess that they've finished my job. And now, I have proof that I killed Y/n." He said with amusement.

The scythe turned to a hilt, and he shook it to see if he could make something. He stopped, and started to turn his head towards my location. I hid my face behind the branch, and stayed still. I saw a small gap between the branch, I looked through it, and saw him looking at my direction. I concealed my aura and held my breath. He looked around, but he looked down to his other hand, and activated some sort of amulet. Then, he disappeared.

I silently and carefully looked around, to see if the man was watching me or sneaking up on me. But I didn't feel his presence or someone watching me. 'It is safe.' I thought.

I looked at Y/n, and he was still out cold. I shook my head with a smile, knowing that I've got my best perverted friend back. I picked him up and put him over my shoulders. I got down from the tree, looked around, just in case if the man appeared or Tatsumi came down from the mountain, but nothing.

I started to walk the direction Tatsumi and I came from, and three questions could't escape my mind. 'Why did he wanted Y/n dead? Who was he? And where's Tatsumi?'


Akame P.o.v

I was in the kitchen with Susano cooking another danger beast we hunted together. I was glad that Susano was with us, he makes many delicious food that makes my mouth crave for more, and my tummy makes a sound.

Akame Ga Kill! x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant