Then Make Our Bloods Shed...

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Y/n P.o.v

Despite my current situation, I parted from her lips and backed away as quickly as possible with my face all heat up. I stopped because my back was on a wall.

Y/n: "I'm sorry. I apologize for what happened, umm, I didn't mean to, it was an accident..." I was a stuttering mess, and I was waving my hands like crazy.

Her on the other hand, she was looking away, avoiding my eyes, with her hand on her lips with red cheeks, and she was fidgeting side to side. 'Damn it!' I cursed myself, trying to think of a way to convince her that it was an accident.

???: "I-It's alright." I looked at her with wide eyes and confusion. "I-I know it was an accident, because we were confused of what happened to us that everything happened so fast, so you don't have to worry about it." She looked at me and she had a small smile with a tint of pink on her cheeks. I sighed, stood up, went towards her, and offered my hand to her.

Y/n: "At least let me help you up and buy you dinner. It's the least I can do." She looked at my hand, and she looked at me with a smile. Then, she took my hand and pulled herself up.

???: "It's the least you can do? But you took my f-first k-kiss as well. Shouldn't you be taking responsability?" She said from shock to shy. My eyes widened and I blushed.

Y/n: "HUH!!!??? Wait... uh... hold on a second, let me think of something else..." I was stuttering, trying to think of a way to make it up to her of what happened. She started to giggle, then to laugh.

???: "I'm just kidding. I wouldn't do such a thing to someone I just met. But..." She got closer to my face with her eyelids half closed and a small smile with a tint of pink on her cheeks. " did kiss me, so I would make an exception of letting it go. Also..." She backed away. "Koro seems to like you." I got confused.

Y/n: "Who?" She pointed at me.

???: "Koro." I looked to my left and there was nothing. I looked to my right, I was met with a white little plushie type dog staring at me.

Y/n: "You must be Koro?" It nodded and whined like a little puppy. It was clinging on my shoulder, and it cuddled on it.

???: "He seems to like you more than I thought. He usually doesn't do that to a person he just met. He is harmless, except to those evil do-ers." I looked at her while carrying Koro like a little baby. It whined in excitement and cuddled even more in my chest.

Y/n: "Well, there's always a first time for everything." She giggled. I lowered Koro to the floor and looked at the girl. "I don't even know your name." Her eyes widened.

???: "Oh my, where are my manners? My name is Seryu Ubiquitous, of the Capital Garrison." She salute. "I am a warrior of justice. And Koro is my Imperial Arm, Hecatonchires." I looked down at Koro, and he was hanging on my leg. 'She's quite open for someone who has an Imperial Arm.' I thought.

Y/n: "Well, I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you Seryu." I exteneded my hand towards her, and she happily took it and shook it.

Seryu: "Is a pleasure to meet you as well Y/n. Now, about that dinner, I'm actually hungry though, right Koro?" Koro let go of my leg, whined and jumped in excitement. Then, he unbuckled the leash, jumped on my shoulder, and layed on top of my head. Seryu giggled.

Y/n: "Then let me take you to a place where we can eat." Seryu nodded, and I started to walk down the path I came from to the bar that I left.

I opened the door to the bar, and there was Kyoko with her back towards me. She turned around, and once she looked at me, her eyes widened in happiness.

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