Revealing Stories

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Esdeath P.o.v

The Prime Minister summoned me to the throne room in the middle of the night. I was going to take a shower, but one of the guards came and told me that it was important.

I was trudging towards the throne room, and I just want to sleep. It's the only thing that gives me peace. 'I hope it's worth my time.' I thought in irritation.

Once I reached the doors, the guards opened them for me, and I entered. There, at the bottom of the stairs. stood the Prime Minister and Zeth. 'Why is he here?' I asked myself.

Minister: "Ah, General. So glad you could join us."

Esdeath: "This better be worth my time." I stood with them. Zeth had a smirk on his face, and the Minister was proud.

Minister: "It is. Zeth, would you have the honor?"

Zeth: "Of course, Honest." I was confused. They were on first name basis. "See this?" He showed me a needle of sorts.

Esdeath: "What is it?"

Zeth: "It's a needle. Now, what's inside is the most important part of it. It was perfected by Dr. Stylish himself, before his death."

Esdeath: "Ok. What does the drug do?" He smirked.

Zeth: "It nullifies Blood-Type Imperial Arms." My eyes widened. I was shocked that there was such drug.

Esdeath: "So..."

Zeth: "That people like you and me can't use their Imperial Arm if this drug is injected into their system."

I never thought this could've been possible. A drug, that Dr. Stylish created can make the Imperial Arm stop working. But I want to know if this is real.

Esdeath: "How can I be sure that this is true?" His smirk grew more.

Zeth: "I tested them with some Blood-Type Imperial Arms users, and they tried to use them. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't use them. Honest was there to witness the whole thing." I looked at the Minister and he nodded.

Esdeath: "Well then, as long as we use it to our advantage, then we won't have a problem."

The Minister and Zeth exchanged glances and smirks. This made me raise an eyebrow.

Minister: "There's more." He offered me a folded paper.

I took it, and unfolded it. I got confused of why he gave me this. It was the wanted poster of Y/n, but it had an 'X' mark on his picture.

Esdeath: "What's the meaning of this!?" I was angered just by seeing his picture, specially with an 'X' on top of it.

Zeth: "We got him." I looked at him with wide eyes. Y/n, is here. In the Capital. I felt so much joy that equaled my anger. "We used the serum on him. He is weakened. But tomorrow, we will give him another one for the game."

Esdeath: "What game?" I tilted my head.

Zeth: "Y/n will participate in the arena tomorrow, and it will be his last fight as a normal person." My eyes widened once again.

Esdeath: "His last... fight?" He nodded.

Zeth: "To entertain the audience. He will fight againts formidable foes, along with my champion."

Minister: "It'll also demonstrate that Night Raid nor the Revolution can't stand against the Capital. He will be a perfect example."

Esdeath: "That means..."

Zeth: "That this fight will be a public execution."

Najenda P.o.v

Najenda: "They should be back by now." It was already midnight, and I was pacing back and forth in the living room, worried for Leone's and Y/n's return. The others were sitting down.

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