Date With Destiny Part 2

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Y/n P.o.v

I jumped down and landed behind Yamada with my knife ready. My intentions were to kill him, but I had a few questions. So, I put a hand over his mouth and stabbed him on the side of his thigh while twisting it. He screamed into my hand, but it was audible for the guard in the other room to hear.

The sound of movement outside the room was heard, and then a shadow of someone was formed on the sliding door.

Guard 1: "Mr. Yamada, are you alright?" The guard of Yamada asked with seriousness and worry. Yamada started struggling and saying nonsense into my hand.

I took the knife out of his thigh, and hit him on his throat with the hilt. He started to hold his neck and made choking sounds.

I moved and hid to the side of the door. When it opened, the guard looked at Aoimoku, then at Yamada with shock.

Guard 1: "Sir! What happened?" He moved towards him, while I got closer with the knife in hand. Yamada pointed at me. Once he turned he looked at me, and I smiled, not letting him speak.

Y/n: "Hello." I slashed his abdomen first, then his throat, finally stabbed the side of his head with high speed. I looked behind the guard to Yamada with a serious and killing intentions.

Yamada started to crawl away from me while having trouble of breathing and talk, and fear was plastered all over his face.

I took out the knife off of the guards head and flip it. The body fell and hit the floor with a loud thud.

Yamada: "P-Pwease... *GASP* m-mercy! *GASP*" Did I mention he was naked? Well, yeah, he was, and his shameless thing he called his friend was the only thing I could use as torture for him.

Y/n: "Mercy? Heh. You think you deserve it? I don't think so. Now..." He stopped crawling because he hit the wall, and I kneeled in front of him while having the knife aiming at his genital. "...if you don't want to lose your best friend here, you would tell me how I can cure the women in this place." I raised an eyebrow for answers. He smirked.

Yamada: "You wouldn't do anything. Heh." I stabbed him on his thigh very quick.

Y/n: "I just killed your bodyguards and stabbed you in the thigh two times without getting caught." I whispered/yelled at him. "Don't dare me to do anything, because I would certainly do it. Also, if you don't want to lose your nose for adultery, I would start talking." His eyes widened. "Yeah, Yamada Shiragami, married to Yokou Shiragami, which she was actually given to you for money. You married her and she has been your slave ever since, which she wouldn't mind about having you get killed, but to see the shame on your face and everyone see you with the punishment of adultery, it would break your pride." His eyes were wider with tears forming. "Now tell me, how do I cure the women?"

Yamada: "O-Once you t-take the drug t-there's nothing t-that can cure it." I shook my head in disappointment.

Y/n: "Always lying. Guess that you want to live with the shame." I raised my knife and went down to cut his nose.

Yamada: "WAIT PLEASE!!! THERE IS A CURE FOR IT, BUT ONCE YOU TAKE TOO MANY OF IT, IT WILL KILL YOU FROM THE INSIDE!!! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!!! MERCY!!! I'M TELLING THE TRUTH!!!" He raised his hand to me and said with the truth. I got angry, knowing there's no way of saving Aoimoku.

Y/n: "What about this woman I heard? That she was sent away to be broken, why would you want to break a woman if with the drug is enough?" He looked at me very scared with trembling voice and body.

Yamada: "S-She took the d-drug, b-but her w-will is t-too g-great. S-She has d-determination about l-looking for s-someone." I raised my eyebrow.

Akame: "What are you doing?" I heard Akame behind me.

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