The Story of a Reaper- Spring Forest

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Reaper was sitting on the dark green couch they had in there house. The lights were off and nothing was on, the light from outside was the only thing lighting up the house, to a grey look.

The sound of bones shaking came from Papyrus room, as a bit of giggling could be heard.

Reaper sighed, trying to think of other ways to go to other places other then...home.

He was interupted from his thoughts to a knock on the door. Reaper stood up and opened it to see Undyne

"Hey Sans!" Undyne said, "Hello Undyne, what brings you here in Snowdin?" Reaper asked, "Just wanted to see if you were free to hang out and stuff! You are free right?" Undyne asked, "Uh- Sure, sure!" Reaper replied, "Cool! I was thinking we go out into Snowdin forest with you and Pap!" Undyne suggest.

Snowdin forest is how it sounds, it's just a clutter of trees with snow on it, though, some have said that it's not all trees that are covered in snow, and that it's spring if you go far enough.

"Is this about the rumors?" Reaper asked, "Uh- DUH! I'm curious! I wanna see what spring is like! I've never seen it, but my dad said it when all the plants bloom and stuff!" Undyne said

As old as Undyne is, she still somewhat acts like a little girl, it's a thing Reaper can admire, her hope that is...Reaper hope has been dying for a long time now.

"Come on! Aren't you curious as well?" Undyne asked, "Ehh...somewhat, but then again, Paps and I would probably kill all the beautiful plants on accident, sooo-"

"Aww! Don't be a party killer! It'll be fine! Plants grow back, and if it's spring there, they're sure to be alright!" Undyne said.

She always finds a way to pull us into things. "Alright then, I'll go get Papy" I replied, as she smiled.

I left the door open as she entered. I walked upstairs and knocked on our room door, "Paps? Undyne here!" I called out as I heard a soft gasp, as rushing and struggle could be heard from the room

Soon the door opened, and my twelve years old brother showed, "Undyne!!!" Papyrus called, as Undyne came up the stairs and hugged my brother.

Good thing gods can't die...not easily, that is...

"Nice to see you big bones!" Undyne said, as I gave a small smile, seeing Papyrus blush a little at the nice warm hug.

"So! Paps! I was thinking I'd take you and your brother to the Snowdin forest with me, and hopefully see spring!" Undyne said

"Spring? Who is spring?" Papyrus asked. Papyrus was 'born' here, so it's not a big surprise that he doesn't know what spring is

"You'll see Paps!" Undyne said, "Get your coat, and red boots on Papy" I instructed him, as he rushed down the stairs to do so.

My coat and boots were upstairs, but I don't really like to wear them, but I guess I could wear my boats just this once.

I walked in Papyrus and my room, to see Papyrus race car bed, and my Blue covered bed across the room from each other.

My boot were near my bed, so I grabbed them and quickly put them on, and walked downstairs to see Papyrus ready to go

"Hurry up Sans!" Papyrus said, "I'm coming!" I replied as we walked out into the cold air and snow.

As we walked all the way from Snowdin, to the bridge, in front of the forest we stood.

The forest had a bunch of trees, as I felt my soul tug at most of them, a sense of deja Vu casted over me, I had somewhat a bad feeling

"Come on! Let's go!" Undyne said as we followed her into the forest.

As we got further and further, my deja Vu grew more and more intense.

I didn't touch any of the trees, but I did have the urge to do so...

I felt as if I've done this before. I do remember a dream of me as a child, walking around the forest, killing trees, and a person that looked like my friend Alphys, but, that's just a dream...right?

We walked for a while, the snow getting thicker and taller and the air getting thinner, as if that was important...

We kept walking, following Undyne determination. "Hey! How long till we're there?" Papyrus asked, "Don't know! I've only heard rumors" Undyne replied.

You do know you can't trust what people say right? I thought

"Well, whatever these rumor are, I hope they're true!" Papyrus said with a warm smile, that I felt warmer then before, and it seemed as if it did the same for Undyne.

I looked at Undyne clothes, a little hobby I do, if I'm bored. It wasn't unusual, she had a jacket, jeans, a black shirt, gloves, and a hat on her red hair.

I guess she planned to come here, on other days she'd be wearing clothes that are more...godly

The snow started to get taller, to the point where I had to pick up Papyrus and put him on my back, the air was getting thin then usual...then again it didn't really matter, to me that is, and Undyne seemed fine

"Damn Undyne, we've been walked for so long that it's only winter here! We're not even close to spring...maybe we should go back!" I suggest, "Just a little long! I have a feeling..." Undyne said

I sighed and just kept following Undyne. Papyrus fell asleep on my back, and I felt like sleep on the spot...

The snow height soon started to shrink, and the air became more breathable, as if that was important...

The air felt warmer, is this really happened?

Undyne gasped and stopped, "What?" I asked, "SPRING!!!" Undyne yelped as she started running. A bright light could be seen, to where Undyne was running too.

I kept walked as the snow under my boot started to shrink into wet, muddy water, as I saw grass in the wet puddles, I stepped in the wet grass, as it curled and blackened, seems as if my boots don't stop plants from dying.

I caught up with Undyne, as we looked around to see green, and flowers everywhere.

Undyne has never seen spring, but, I think she likes it.

I started to gently shake Papyrus awake. "Mmmhh..." Papyrus groaned, "Papy look, it's spring!" I told Papyrus. Papyrus squinting his eyes, and soon fully opened them with a bright look on his face, with a happy smile.

I put Papyrus down on the grass, as he started to walk around, leaving a trail of dead foot prints. Papyrus giggled, and smelled the flowers and ran around with Undyne

I walked up to a tree, and laid on it, and fell asleep as Papyrus and Undyne played together.

As Undyne and Papyrus frolicked around, and Reaper took a nap, the guardian of the spring forest heard giggling, and peeked through her hideout.

The goddess of war, and the god of painless death, together, a perfect fit for Death and Destruction...

The guardian chuckled softly and lowly, thinking about Death and Destruction and how they're both dummies, as she guardian stopped stalking them.

She'll have to clean up there deadly mess later...

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