Chapter 87

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"I missed you, sweetheart

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"I missed you, sweetheart. You have no idea how much." Tom blurted out.

His voice was low. His tone dripped with sincerity. That sincerity melted Alexa. She felt herself losing herself in his honesty. The git truly had an unmatchable effect on her. All he had to do was open his mouth and she was doomed. 

This thought frightened her.

Her hands clutched the book to her chest. Her fingers curled around it tightly to stop themselves from reaching forward and evaporate the remaining distance between them. Her body was fighting its instinct to grab hold of her git and feel the beat of his heart.

This anticipation excited her.

She had no idea which emotion should she follow.

She gulped. Visibly. Forcing Tom to trail his gaze from her enticing eyes to the tempting column of her slender neck. His pupils darkened. With lust. He took one last step locking the passage of air between them. His left hand reached forward and rested itself on the base of her neck. His fingers touched the veins of her throat as she gasped at sudden and unexpected show of his affection. Her lips parted as she looked at him when the long, lean fingers of his right hand caressed her jaw. Unlike other times Tom was being extra tender with her. And this tenderness surprised her. The softness in his eyes was soothing. It was like he was acting on his words. His actions were conveying that he indeed missed her. A lot.

And this affirmation resolved all her insecurities.

Because she missed him as much as he did. The fire that burnt him, was equally affecting her. If not, then perhaps some more. It had never been just a physical attraction between them. Unknowingly, they both had started to connect on more level than one.

People often get confused with love being just sexual. A love story and a lust story are two different phenomena. Lust is a plain physical attraction and activities. Love is beyond that. Love is more spiritual. Emotional. Psychological. The physical aspect of love is just a cream layer with the depth that connects those rare individuals who are fortunate enough to find their other half. Love literally completes those who are lucky enough to find it in their lifetime. Alexa's parents were one of them. And the girl sure hoped that she was one of those lucky few too. Truly. And desperately.

In a blink of an eye, she threw the book she was holding on the nearest table. Swift as a wind her fists clutched his shoulder as she pulled him to her level. Not expecting her sudden ferocity, Tom stumbled a little. His lips parted when they landed on their counter halves. 

A sigh escaped his lips as her tongue entered his mouth without any foreplay. His right hand gripped her jaw. Not tight enough to leave a bruise, but just enough to angle her for better access. His left hand stroked her neck once before it traced its path from her neck down to the back of her waist. He felt and enjoyed every single shiver that his touch managed to wake in her body. The way her body got covered in goosebumps pleased him. To the extent that a jubilant grin etched across his lips.

Her tongue traced every corner of his mouth before tackling his. He let her have her way as she moved her lips across his urgently. It was like he was a drug. And she was an addict. She couldn't get enough or away. Having had enough of her teasing and getting tired of leaning to her level, he clutched her to him tighter. His right hand tightened across her jaw eliciting a groan from her which turned into a muffled moan when the position allowed Tom to dominate the cave of her mouth. Pushing his tongue inside her mouth, Tom took charge of the kiss. His body pressed her into the shelf before his left hand traced her thighs and tapped it twice. Following the loud and clear signals of her instincts, Alexa jumped. She hooked her legs around his waist. 

Tom supported her weight by both of his hands. His hands cupped her backside. Squeezing them just a little, he turned slightly and placed her on the nearest table. The book that she had just threw on that table dropped with a soft thud, but both humans were too caught up to pay any heed to anyone besides each other. 

Their hands were now free to move. Tom untucked her shirt. His fingers groped on her smooth skin the next instant. A heavy moan of pleasure echoed in their connected mouths when she mimicked his actions with her hands on his stomach. They both were naive. They both were inexperienced. However, they both desired one another. Fiercely.

Feeling the need for oxygen Alexa pulled away. She opened her eyes to see Tom's had still been close. His breathing was heavy and laboured. She still couldn't believe that it was her. She couldn't believe that she had this much of an effect on him. The sense of triumph made her feel drunk, but she didn't complain. She wouldn't complain. 

Her fingers danced on the skin of his stomach. Gently. Her nails traced a pattern on it. Teasingly. She could feel every goosebump rising beneath his skin. Directly. And that made her smile. Victoriously.

Tom groaned. His teeth gritted. In anticipation and agitation. In an attempt to maintain control and dignity.

"Zinnia," his voice rasped.

(A/N: *Was going to end here, to be honest, but since I am so nice I will continue.*)

Hearing that Alexa pulled her hands away instantly. No partner wants to hear someone else's name from their partner's lips when they are sharing some private moments. And Alexa was no different. Her violet eyes blazed with fury as she glared at Tom. Jealousy and possessiveness clouded her mind. The earlier passion turned into a burning rage. She wanted to kill. Her instincts demanded to kill whoever this Zinnia was.

The lack of movement and a sudden shift in the atmosphere forced Tom to open his eyes. Amusement danced in his eyes when he saw her murderous glare. She looked adorable. Just like a kitten. 

"What?" He asked. He couldn't figure what the matter was then.

"Who the f**k is Zinnia?" She demanded.

Tom's eyes widened. He looked at her in disbelief. Did she just utter an f word? He chuckled internally. She was not so innocent after all.

"I asked who is she?" Alexa glowered. Perhaps the chuckle was not so internal after all. And it had fueled her anger. Beyond measure. She crossed her hands above her chest as she gritted her teeth. Her cheeks puffed as she huffed an annoyed breath through her nose. Her face was red in rage. Like Tom noted earlier. To him, she did look like a kitten. Harmless and cute.

Tom leaned forward. He smirked as he saw her trying her hardest to not lean back and maintain her glare.

"It's you my flower," He hushed. "You reminded me of Zinnias the day we met."

He saw her turning red. In embarrassment. He smiled. In realization. He opened his mouth about to tease her some more when his eyes landed on the window behind them. His brown eyes widened as they took in the presence of the last person he expected. The last person he hoped to meet again. Another shiver ran through his body when that person smirked back at him. This time, he shivered not in delight, but in the complete fright.


A fluffy chapter for fluffy lovers. What did you think about the new nickname?

Anyway who do you think was outside? 20 points to you if you guessed it right.

I am so sorry for this unedited piece of work. I had no enough time to correct my mistakes. Hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you all!!!

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