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While going through the story, I realized that I have left so many plot holes. I hope, I clarify at least some of them.

Q1) Why Alexa took the time to heal after the rescue operation?

ans: In chapter 30-32, it was revealed that Alexa heals fast because of her werewolf genes by a centaur. However, Headmaster Dippet was quite weary about Alexa. He didn't want to bring her back to the school. He was afraid that she would harm his students despite Dumbledore suggesting otherwise. He wished to send her to St. Mungo's but it meant revealing her identity to the world. For precautionary measures, the said headmaster made sure that she was injected with sedatives and other medicines. These medicines took a toll on Alexa's body and slowed her healing mechanism temporarily.

Q2) What happened to those who were petrified by the basilisk?

ans: They were cured eventually using Mandrake under the supervision of Professor Herbert Beery and the hospital wing staff.

Q3) Was moaning Myrtle killed?

ans: In this fan-fiction, nobody died in the attacks of the basilisk. Though Hornby learned her lesson, Myrtle continued her moaning for various reasons in her human form instead. She was Ravenclaw, but some things can't be changed.

Q4) What is the fate of the chamber of secrets?

ans: Tom never confessed about the chamber. Ahina, the basilisk, was very precious to him. After Antonio Avery's death, he wanted to start fresh, but he was quite attached to his basilisk and didn't want to lose her. Before leaving the school, he bid his goodbye to his pet and made sure to lock the chambers so she wouldn't harm anyone anymore. His last command to her was to stay away from pipes.

Q5) Was the next generation of Riddles Parselmouth?

ans: Yeah, since the language is inherited, Tom's kids knew the language of snakes.

Q6) Who all knew about Tom's crimes?

ans: Then minister for magic and the witnesses in the case that was filed against Tom were the only people who knew about it. The witnesses include everyone who was involved in the adventure of rescuing Tom and Alexa. It means, only Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster Dippet, Professor Slughorn, and Professor Merrythought of Hogwarts knew about it. The last two professors were called to give an account of Tom's unmatched intelligence and incredible potential. Merrythought was called because she was going to retire soon anyway. However, being the opportunist that he was, Slughorn stopped talking to Tom altogether. He didn't want any dirt on his reputation.

Q7) What about Hagrid? Did he suffer as he did in the canon?

ans: No. Unlike Tom and Alexa, the half-giant was able to finish his studies, but he opted to remain as a gamekeeper and keeper of the keys for the school. He argued that he was the school's greatest alley when it comes to the creatures of the forbidden forest. It was not like magical people outside Hogwarts felt comfortable having half-giant anywhere near them.

Q8) Did Tom ever confess his love for Alexa?

ans: You got to read the epilogue part 2 more carefully if you are having this doubt.

Q9) How did Tom end up marrying and having a family with Alexa?

ans: Well, as you know, Dumbledore sent him to Flamel to be mentored. For years Tom worked under the guidance of that famous alchemist. The wizard was a dedicated family man. And when you spend that much time with any person, that person's value starts growing upon you. That was what exactly happened with our Tom. The boy realized that he needed a family to come home to, so he wasn't that offended when Alexa proposed him. Yeah, you read it right. It was Alexa who proposed him.

Q10) Chapped lips are not attractive. Why did I choose Tom's lips to be chapped?

ans: To be honest, when I said chapped, I never meant it completely chapped. Just slight enough to make the texture of his lips rough.

Q11) What happened to the time turner that Alexa had?

ans: Alexa took some time, but after talking with Avanti Rathi, she snuck back into the office of their caretaker and placed it back in its original place. That was what her heart told her to do.

Q12) How did Logan, Adrian and Ares ended up blasting the secret meeting of the rescue team together?

ans: Logan and Adrian saw Anthony when he rushed towards Dumbledore to tell what he had seen in the crystal ball. They both cared about Anthony - Logan because he was his tutor and had grown attached and Adrian because Anthony had always been gentle to him. They got worried seeing him all tense, so they followed. Adrian, for the first time keeping aside their differences, called Ares as he realized the matter might be more serious than it looked and Anthony might need his family to be there for him. Ares never forgot this act of kindness.

Q13) Will I be writing another Harry Potter fan-fiction?

ans: I am not sure, yet. My mind is boggled up with different ideas right now. Most of them are original stories.

Q14) If I ever write a sequel, who will be it about?

ans: It'll be about the next generation of Riddles. All of them will have arcs of their own. Rest assure. Every Riddle will have an adventure different from one another. However, the main pairing will be Lyla Riddle and James Potter, of course. What will happen to Lily? Or Severus? Or Sirius? And everyone else? Well, I will tell you, if I ever write it.

Q15) If I ever write a prequel, who will be it about?

ans: It'll be about the Goldsteins - the parents of Alexa and her aunt. To be honest, I don't think it will be a fan-fiction for more than 10%, since what I have in mind about them follows original plot without much inclusion of magical world of J. K. ma'am at the moment. It will be more romantic adventure in fantasy.

Q16) What about the emerald trio - Flint, Parkinson and Hornby - the trio who tried to bully Alexa?

ans: Well, nothing much happened to them. They eventually got married but never became a trio ever again. Parkinson could never forgive Flint for how she had betrayed her.

Q17) How did Alexa know the things that she knows? What are her sources?

ans: A very subtle hint is given already in the story. However, the exact answer will be given if in a sequel.

Q18) What about Logan? How did he find out where Alexa and Tom were taken?

ans: Another topic with many hints. And another topic that could be discussed in a sequel.

Q19) Did Tom use a wooden stake to attack Sition?

ans: Can't reveal what it was, but it was definitely not a wooden stake. The vampires I imagine work differently than those of TVD and twilight. As I might have said prior, I am not familiar with either of these vampire central fandoms. All I know about them is whatever I got to know through their fan-fictions that are available online. I think I will use something which will be different from them.

Q20) Was Alexa born werewolf or was she bitten at some point? If she was bitten, who bit her?

ans: Um *Author leaves before some reader comes to strangle her*


I hope you liked the chapter.

Thank you all for sticking up with me till the end.

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