Chapter 47

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Feel free to check out my other book "Dating Blindly". I will be grateful if you do.

A knock on the door broke Alexa's trance. The bluish-white light emerging from the tip of her wooden stick dispersed in the air around her. She turned around to look at Anthony who was still smiling at her. She smiled back and motioned him inside.

Anthony pushed the door slightly and entered her room for the summer.

"Hey!" He greeted. Dressed in traditional black robes, he was looking dashing. The green shirt beneath his robe was announcing his Slytherin pride.

"Hi!" Alexa replied. Her smile was still present on her lips. "I see that you are ready to greet the guests tonight." She observed.

"Yeah." His icy blue eyes glowed. "Graybacks are coming along with McLaggens. Are you sure you don't want to meet Logan?"

"I would rather not."Alexa's smile faltered a little before her smile blown fully. "Besides, I know he will be busy trying his best to get away from you and Rebekah."

Anthony looked flushed. Damn! Everyone knew about him and Rebekah. He mentally cursed himself as he took a seat on the chair, in front of her twin-sized bed.

"Don't let her know that I told this, but I think you two are really cute together," Alexa whispered as she sat across from him. Her tone was so small as if she was afraid of being caught.

Anthony grinned. "I know that, but thanks for letting me know that we have your blessings. I know my father will appreciate your support."

"Speaking of Mr Avery, do you know why did he let me stay at your place?" Alexa hushed again. "Don't take me wrong, I am just curious." She added immediately.

"I don't know the whole story, but from what I was told, it was Professor Dumbledore who requested my father for this arrangement."

"Why does he listen to Professor this sincerely?"

"As you know dad is an Auror. In fact, has been before I was even born. Professor had helped him in very critical cases many times. And thus, like all of us, he never questioned Professor Dumbledore's knowledge and abilities. He once told me that we must stick to our kind if we want to survive in this muggle-dominated world, especially when they are creating weapons to destroy their own kind." Anthony shivered as he spoke his last sentence.

Alexa hesitated before she spoke her next sentence, " Mr Avery doesn't discriminate against people based on their blood, does he?"

Anthony looked into her eyes. His eyes shone the amusement he felt at her directness. "No, he doesn't. Not at least to the extent usually pure-bloods do. He says magic is too precious to be discriminated."

"Then why did he accept Rebekah for you when you two were so young?"

"What I meant is that he supports education to all, as far as his bloodline stays pure," Anthony laughed. There was no hint of bitterness in his laughter. "I know this is hypocritical, but hey, at least he doesn't insult half-bloods and muggle-borns. You can't expect a guy to magically abandon his ancient beliefs instantly. It takes generations to accept the change like that. Besides I get to marry the girl I like."

"Well, that's true. It's like a Win-Win situation for you and him." Alexa added. "I am sure Ares will agree with you when he grows up."

Ares was Anthony's younger brother. He turned eleven a few weeks back and was going to start his education this year at Hogwarts. And from what Alexa had seen he was not as free-minded as his elder brother. Though she was never going to spell it out loud, she thought of him as a typical spoilt rich pureblood snob, just like his mother Mrs Rebony Avery. Alexa thanked her stars when she realized Anthony was a replica of his father. Maybe that was the reason why he was his daddy's boy.

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