Chapter 33

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This chapter is dedicated to those who are reading this.

A special thanks to @amazingmoonie for being so supportive.


Tom looked at the girl who was laying on the sofa. Clad in his cloak, she was looking unreasonably peaceful. A proud smile made its way onto his chapped lips when he remembered how she fought for him. It was a very dumb move, but it was brave. It showed that she was loyal. He adjusted the silver blanket on her body. Its material was thin, but the warmth that it gave away was satisfactory. When he made sure she was sleeping he turned around and sat on the wooden chair that faced the desk of his least favourite person in that school. He was after all in the latter's office. Never did he think he would come to this place, that too willingly.


"Good Evening Professor" Tom greeted. His plump lips were sealed in a straight line. His eyes were narrowed, while his right fist was clutching his wand tightly.

Ignoring the boy, Dumbledore looked at the centaur and nodded his head.

"Thank you for sending a word Firenze."

"It was nothing Dumbledore."

The centaur, who now Tom knew was Firenze, nodded his head at the Transfiguration master. Then the former looked at Tom. A meaningful smile graced his bow-shaped lips. He turned around and left the scene.

Dumbledore looked back at his pupil.

"This is neither the time nor the place for exchanging greetings, Tom." He replied. His eyes were looking straight at him through those half-moon glasses. Clearly, he knew the star student of that ancient school was up to something.

The two wizards held each other's gazes. None of them wanted to back down easily. A few tense moments of uncomfortable silence passed between them. Finally, Tom broke them.

"I know," He muttered.

Taking in the clue that his pupil was not going to answer willingly, the Transfiguration master looked behind him. He saw someone was clad in a black robe. It was laying their motionlessly. His narrowed eyes widened when he figured who was it.

"Alexa?" He questioned in disbelief. He hushed. "What is she doing here? What are you planning Riddle?"

The darkness of that night was unable to conceal the deep concern that flashed in those sky blue eyes. The owner of those eyes reached toward the unconscious girl and inspected her face for any damage. He turned back to Tom and asked,

"What's going on?"

Dumbledore asked him calmly.

"I followed her," Tom replied. His posture was equally collected. "when she was in her wolf form."

Tom, though didn't want to admit it aloud, knew that the wizard standing in front of him was one of the greatest of all time. Hence, there was no way in hell that this man was blind to the fact of a wandering werewolf in their school.

Dumbledore's posture didn't change a bit. Though his face didn't give away anything, his lack of reaction confirmed Tom's suspicions of him knowing Alexa's reality.

"Does headmaster know about this professor?" Tom was trying to provoke his teacher.

"Let's discuss this somewhere that holds warmth."

Dumbledore turned to Alexa. He waved his wand and flicked it. "Wingardium Leviosa"

*Flashback Ends*

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