Chapter 8

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        "Students, did you see how did that shadow move? A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth shadows the moon. And this happens on some specific full moons." Professor Sinistra was going on and on about the eclipse.

           It was one long night for the fifth years. They were standing there from 10 PM. Initially, students were enthusiastic, but as soon as they realized that the eclipse was supposed to last for 5 hours and their teacher wanted them to observe every phase - the start, the peak and the end - they lost their interest. They were standing there for the past two hours and there were still no indications for a peak stage.

           Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs were standing on one side of Professor while Slytherins and Ravenclaws were sharing the other side. Alexa could clearly see that even some of the most sincere eagles were dozing off.

            Tom was standing across Gryffindors. He was supposed to take down the observation. He was supposed to listen to his professor. It was his O.W.L. year for Salazar's sake. He was taking down the observation, yes, but they were of her. He observed how she took down every single detail about the progress that was happening. A strand of dark hairs fell on her face. A smile grew on his face when he saw her tucking that behind her ear. Her eyes were narrowed on her parchment. Her bottom lip was tucked in between her teeth. He turned red and looked away instantly not looking at her again. A completely new type of shiver went through his body. He didn't like this new feeling. It made him feel inferior. By the end of that session, he would confront her, that was sure.

           "Hey look, it appears that instead of going to peak stage the eclipse had entered in its ending stage," Logan murmured to Alexa, his eyes still glued to the moon. Those two were standing together along with their house-mates.

             "I think it appears only to you," she whispered back to him, a silent giggle escaping her lips. She was noting down the changes in shadow keenly. Unlike her classmates, her enthusiasm was lasting longer. She was terrible at many subjects, but Astronomy had always been her strongest point. She wanted to study Alchemy in her final years at Hogwarts.

            "Okay class, you can leave," Professor Sinistra announced at the end of the class. "We have observed almost every stage and the eclipse will end in not more than thirty minutes. Since all of you are tired you can go." Everyone cheered. Finally, they would be able to go back to sleep, but their professor was not finished, "I am, however, expecting a thirty inches essay on the observations of today's total eclipse on my desk in our next class." The cheerful environment turned to grave silence because most of them had not taken the observation sincerely. Even those sleeping Ravenclaws looked gobsmacked.

           "Snow, you are giving those observations to me, okay?" Logan whined next to her.

           "Snow?" Alexa looked at him surprised.

            "Yeah. Your surname is Winters," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

             "Okay, McLogan," she countered, smirking at him.

              "McLogan?" he replied looking at her in horror.

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