chapter 22

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The rage built up inside Tom.

How dare she slap him?

He gritted his teeth while clutching his wand in his right arm. His hand that was on her back had tightened around her waist. He looked into her eyes. The darkness that clouded in those chocolate irides was nothing she had ever seen, but unlike other times she was standing up to him. She was holding his gaze firmly.

Though in her head, she knew she was no match to him when it came to magic, she wanted him to know that she was not some doormat for him to step on every time they were together. What she didn't know was the way Tom was going to interpret this challenge.

Tom opened his mouth to curse her, to let her know where she stood or who was superior but was cut short when he heard the commotion. Apparently Professor Herbert Beery was announcing some changes to the Hufflepuffs in their common room. With one warning look, Tom left Alexa's dorm. The look held a silent promise. A promise that they were not finished.

Not finished at all.


Unable to sleep on her left side, Alexa turned to face the ceiling. It was almost dawn, but her eyes were wide open. Her mind was still playing the events that happened not so long before. A shiver ran down her spine when she remembered Tom's murderous glare. If not for Professor Beery, she would have been dead by now. Her house head came just in time to rescue her from that venomous snake.

She sighed as she remembered their conversation.

Goldstein. The name that she hated with a passion. It was the name that caused her misfortune. She lost her perfect family owing to that name. She sat up on her bed. Opening the last drawer in her side table, she took out the small picture that was tucked securely in it. A tear left her right eye leaving a trail behind it.

It was an old photo. In that photo, there were three humans. A brown-headed man, who was in his early thirties, was holding his wife by her waist while looking down at his family lovingly. The big scar on his face was unable to ruin his handsomeness. In front of him, his wife stood looking at their five-year-old daughter, who was clutching her mother's feet. His wife's eyes were too looking on the baby. With her hands, she was trying to divert the baby's attention toward the camera, since the latter was stubbornly looking at her parents. Though none of them was looking directly to the camera one could clearly see the happiness of the moment.

"Give me the strength to be what you believed I can be, father," Alexa whispered.

It was her family photo. She distinctly remembered the photo was taken on her birthday. Another tear left her eye. She wiped that off with the back of her hand. Only a week after that photo was taken her family had to change the house they were living in for five years. Only a week after that everything changed. Even her father. That photo was taken using a muggle camera. Though it was static, it was the most valuable possession she ever had.

Silent tears escape her eyes. Not bothering to wipe them off she whispered, "It is so hard to hide from those bad wizards, to do all the things alone and most of all to live in this world without you two by my side. I miss you a lot."

She clutched that photo to her heart and cried silently, not wanting to wake her snoring dorm-mates from their beauty sleeps. God! She was alone. Truly alone for the first time.


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