Chapter 26

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I hope you are having a great day. I am so sorry I had some other duties, so I wasn't able to post anything. I hope this chapter will make up for everything. I was supposed to post this in chapter 25, but whatever. From your votes, we are going to call this pair officially as TExa or ATom.


The kiss of possession

Never did he think that he would share a drink with his least favourite professor. Leaning his back on that old wooden armchair, Tom tried not to spit out the drink his transfiguration master had offered him. Being not a very big fan of the sour taste, he totally disliked that poorly made "Sherbet Lemon". He sealed his lips tightly trying to stop him from displaying his dislike. His eyes narrowed on the soothing dim fire that was lit in the fireplace. His mind running why was he there in the first place.


Tom heard a muffled giggle. He groaned. Since when did Anthony start giggling? He cursed under his breath.

His keen ears captured another giggle. This time it was clearer. Irritation was the only emotion he felt. If Anthony brought some idiotic girl in their dorm to pair Tom up with her again, then the latter was going to hex the former so bad.

Tom opened his right eye and light evaded his vision, forcing him to close it immediately. A frown graced his sinful lips.

The same sound reached him again. This time getting fed up he opened his both eyes. Blinking them a few times he adjusted his beautiful chocolaty irides to his surroundings. He sat up straight. His body was aching and so was his mind. He placed his hand on his forehead.

A throat was cleared. Tom looked up to see it was him. The same damn professor, whose corpse he saw the night before. Salazar! He liked his corpse better. Tom composed himself and stood up hastily.

"Good Morning Professor." He greeted giving him a very forced smile. He had a reputation to maintain.

"Good Morning Riddle." The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes always bothered him. His unending happiness was questionable. "Will you enlighten us why were you sleeping in the corridor?"

Corridor? Us? The first time he looked behind his Transfiguration master to see he was indeed in the corridor. And this man was not the only visitor. In fact, he was accompanied by the flock of female Ravenclaws who were attempting very poorly to muffle their giggles. Tom felt some colour rising in his cheeks. He was embarrassed, humiliated. And to make the matter worst he didn't remember why. What was he doing there? He tried to remember only increasing his headache. The last thing he recalled was seeing his Transfiguration master's corpse. Nothing more, nothing less.

*Flashback ends*

"Tom" He came out of his trance when he heard his professor's voice. "What were you doing out yesterday night?"

"I don't know sir," Tom exclaimed trying to recollect the events of the night before failing miserably. He clutched his forehead when he felt that ache again. "But every time I try to remember, this intense pain shoots through my head."

He looked up to meet his professor's calculating eyes. After a few minutes of silence, the latter replied in a very thoughtful tone " It appears to me that you have been shot with a memory charm."

"A memory charm? Who will cast it on me?" Tom mumbled in a very soft voice. It was the very first time he was this clueless. He didn't know why but a certain female badger crossed his mind.

"That's not my concern. The concern is why did they do that? What did you see yesterday night?" His professor mumbled in a very pensive tone. His voice was heavy. Though Tom was not going to admit it to anyone, he liked those expressions on Dumbledore's face.

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