A friendly competition

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First of all, thank you for being so wonderful and supportive of this story. I want to appreciate the readers who motivated me throughout. With you having my back truly means a lot to me. I know I have dedicated my chapter to your country before, but I missed out my chance to actually dedicate them to you explicitly. Honestly, I want to trace back every one of you who voted and commented on every single chapter and hug you. However, I know I will be creeping you out if I actually do that. 

So, for this reason, I have a little friendly competition for you. Truthfully, you will be helping me out and saving my lazy ass. I want to write a kiss, but I forgot how many have I already written in this book. All you have to do is read the story and write down the names of kisses (e.g. kiss of manipulation) in their correct order in the comment section. To make sure you aren't copying another reader, send me the chapter numbers in which these kisses happened as a private message. (Remember that you have to comment kisses here on the chapter and their chapter numbers must be sent to me by private message. Don't be a saint to let others reap fruits from your efforts. As joker once said, if you are good at something never do it for free.) The first reader to follow both the rules will get a dedication of the next chapter. And I will consider reading one story of their recommendation. The remaining people will get shout out from my profile.

Remember you have to do this during the next seven days alone. I can't keep shouting out names at random even if I would love to do nothing else.

So hurry up! I want to start writing the next kiss soon. And it depends on you.

See you next time.

Thank you all!!!

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