Chapter 95

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Alexa's wolf scampered through the trees. She was fast. Faster than average animals. Yet it appeared that the vampire was faster. It looked like the forest had camouflaged her target. Panicked, her nose tilted high as she sniffed the air around her to trace Tom. Her direction followed her nose as she galloped the distance between herself and the source of the scent. Suddenly, her body stiffened. All her senses alerted. Her eyes glowed, but this glow was different as a yellow tint appeared around the usual beautiful shade of violet. She had sniffed human blood. In the current scenario, It was Tom's blood. Somewhere in that forest, he was injured. And he was injured with a blood-sucker.

Alexa was a hybrid. A part-animal. Her werewolf genes were usually dominated by her metamorphmagus side. However, werewolves hunt humans. And in that instant, her wolf was overwhelmed with a desire to hunt this human. Her wolf side took control of her sane human genes as she wildly looked around herself to sniff out his alluring scent. She growled in anticipation of tasting the blood. She quarried, forgetting how deep she was already in the forest.

Alexa's wolf came to halt when she saw him. The body with blood that had allured her was lying motionlessly in the shadow of a tree. He looked like he was dead. 

She pounced towards him. Her short snout sniffled around his body. Her eyes glowed yellow when her sharp ears gathered a shallow beating of a heart. It looked like he was unconscious. Mindlessly she opened her mouth, ready to bite his head off when the smell of fresh citrus invaded her senses. The smell that strangely comforted her. She took another whiff and he smelled very familiar. The sudden realization helped Alexa in gaining control of her mind. She took a few steps back spontaneously. Her head lowered as she sniffed Tom's again. It was like her animal of caressing him. It was like her animal was ashamed with overwhelming guilt. 

Now that Alexa had gained control, she could finally feel that her dark brown fur was wet. It was wet with Tom's blood. She could see that he was injured. The side of his head was bleeding profusely. It looked like he had lost lots of it. As a predator, it was quite challenging for her to ignore the scent of blood, yet, she fought hard with herself. She wanted him to live, for he was hers and she was his. She licked the cut. Animals saliva has the power to disinfect and sometimes can even cure the wounds. She just hoped that hers could heal his.

"Well, well, well!"

The slimy voice raised goosebumps in her body. Alexa turned in the direction of the vampire. The sneaky big thing jumped down from a nearby tree and joined the scene. 

"I was hoping for a better show. I was hoping that you would finish what I started, but you saved him. How very uninteresting!"

Alexa narrowed her eyes. Enraged, she wanted to destroy him. The beast had the guts to first harm the boy she loved and then stay back to mock her in her face. She stood her ground waiting for his next step. 

Sition smirked. He liked challenges. More than that he liked mocking.

"You corrected me, however. You aren't much like your father. At least he knew when to give in to his nature." 

With that said he pounced on her. She launched herself on him, but he was ready. With a strong push, he pushed her back to the ground with a thud. Defiantly she stood up and growled at him. Her paws rooted in the soil firmly, to help her stand high. However, the impact hadn't been very gentle. 

She had fast healing abilities. Hence when it pained, in confusion, she looked down at her abdomen. The vampire had slit her there in just one stroke. He had used one of his elongated nails to achieve it. The injury done like that took longer to heal. She looked back up to see him still smirking at her. 

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