Chapter 42

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Request: Please don't skip the author's desk chapters. Being an imperfect wannabe author, I keep missing the things. They are covered in these notes. I promise they are not the usual author notes.


Chapter 42: "Those three words"

Tom didn't stop. He never took a break. He just kept dragging her. Out of that dinner party, away from all those puppets of their potion master. His long strides not bothering about Alexa's comparatively smaller paces. His tight grip across her delicate wrist proscribed its fruitless attempts of getting the freedom.

"Riddle stop this instance."

Alexa demanded for the fifth time that evening. Though she was dazed with his devilishly handsome features, she had successfully broken the spell they had put her in. She was so shocked when he suddenly came in front of her that she never got a chance to prohibit his march.

His pace remained the same. His posture was still stiffened. It was like the protest Alexa did, dispersed in the thin air. For a moment, the girl doubted the hearing ability of that Slytherin beast. Her jaw clenched as she cursed herself for letting him drag her around. She cursed herself for leaving her wand in the bag she had left at that dinner party. She cursed the choice of the dress she had made that day. That old-fashioned dress had no place for putting the wand, so she had placed that Unicorn haired wooden stick in her bag.

The pair was strolling through the tenth corridor on the sixth floor. The moonlight reflecting from those ancient walls was making that otherwise dark passage beautiful. As they passed, fire lit in the stone pillars allowing them to gauge their route.

"I said stop."

Getting fed with this whole scenario Alexa rooted her feet firmly. Maybe it was because of the determination of her mind, or it was just her hybrid genes doing the trick, whatever that was, it successfully stopped the six feet 3 inches tall teenage boy from his marathon.

Without letting go of her hand, the said boy turned. His rich chocolaty eyes locked with her now violet irides. The girl shivered when the former set of eyes landed on her. They had a mad glint in them. Not even two seconds and the girl found herself imprisoned between two strong walls. The only difference - one was breathing while the other was not. Their sudden proximity forbade any passage of air. Even the windy night was unable to diffuse the heat between those two teenagers.

His tall frame towered her five feet three inched human body. As if she was not intimidated enough the boy leaned down to level their faces. His left hand held both of hers above her head. His right hand grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. A chill went down Alexa's spine when she felt Tom's cold breath hitting her face. Their gazes were still locked.

Alexa took in his features for the first time that evening. They were sharp, fine, brilliant. They were like a masterpiece. Perfectly sculpted from every angle. No wonder they were adored by every female specimen of their era. She took a deep breath to divert her mind from his unnatural beauty.

"What are we doing here?" She murmured. Her voice was much softer than earlier. "What do you want?"

"Do you not know?" Tom asked. His gaze not leaving those hypnotizing shade of violet. Their beauty was reminding him of the first time he had seen them.

She shook her head. Her body too breathless from all the strolling and their compromised position.

"Are you really that dumb? Or are you just a good actress?" The Slytherin prefect spat. His eyes hardened when they remembered the reason for their current situation.

She looked at him in disbelief.

The nerve of that boy. Did he drag her to that abandoned place only to insult her?

It was unbelievable.

It was unacceptable.

She couldn't help but retort,

"Oh yeah. Only you are an almighty one here. Everyone else is dumb." She mocked.

He ignored the amusement he felt. Was she retorting? It was the very first time he had heard her using sarcasm. He wanted to comment on it, but that was no time to divert his attention.

"Now that we are on the same page," he continued "let's talk the business. I thought I made myself clear that I don't want you and that badger friend of yours close. Is it too much to expect from you two to comprehend what you are told? Is it too much to know the claim of others? You are mine. Is it that difficult to understand the meaning of those three words?"

Alexa looked at him gobsmacked. Had she heard it correctly? Or was her mind playing the trick on her?

"W-What?" She stuttered. To say she was shocked to the core was not an exaggeration.

He took in her posture. Her eyes had widened. Her eyebrows had raised. The light pink colour that covered her otherwise pale cheeks was visible even in the darkness of that night. The lips he had tasted from time to time were parted. Everything about her yelled the shock she felt. To be honest, Tom should have felt amusement seeing that unstable state of her, but what he felt was far from that. Did it mean he was not clear enough? Was it really that difficult to grasp?

Growing up as an abandoned boy in an orphanage never gave Tom a luxury of having things by default. He had to struggle for every single item he possessed, so he made sure whatever he owned lasted with him and him alone. And Alexa, the girl who had captured his mind without any notice, was not an exception.

She was his obsession.

She was his possession.

She was his territory.

He became angry. The madness from earlier was taking over whatever the rational side he had. His eyes pinning her with a predator like a gaze. He wanted everything sorted.

"You are mine, Alexa Goldstein. Do you hear me? MINE. And No one takes away from me what belongs to me." He leaned toward her left ear. His pitch toned down significantly. "Keep that in that badger head of yours, or I will do it for you in my way."


So... Tom finally claimed her as his. It was the goal of this chapter.

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