Chapter 27

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This chapter is dedicated to all of them who are reading this. I am so sorry for the delayed update.


*Three weeks later*

With her head in the book that was resting on her lap, Alexa was drinking her pumpkin juice.

"What the hell!" She turned her head to look at Logan. He was sitting beside her in the great hall. A giggle left her lips when she saw his yellow robe drenched with an orange liquid. Logan's eyes shot up in her direction.

"It's good that I can amuse you, Snow," he replied sarcastically. His eyes were glaring daggers at her. "I can never understand how women manage to do many things at the same time." He took out his wand and pointed it at his uniform.


He looked down proudly on his now almost brand new clothes. His eyes held their usual childish glint that never ceased to brighten her mood.

"Aye Logan, you are not going to miss today's game, are you?" asked Verus Zabini. His dark brown eyes were holding hope, while his dark skin was glistening with sweat indicating that he just came back from his warm-up.

In reply Logan only smiled. His eyes losing their earlier shine. Getting a silent message, the pureblood wizard huffed and without saying another word left the table. Their initially happy environment turned awkward. Logan looked anywhere but his companion. Alexa could see the pain in his eyes, and so the first time she decided to breach the topic,

"Logan, are you okay?" She asked him in concern. Without sparing her a glance, he nodded his head. Alexa closed her book and placed it neatly in front of her. She placed her hand on his shoulder tentatively. "Logan, please look at me." She requested him in a very soft voice.

"I am perfectly fine." Logan looked at her hesitantly. He placed his hand on hers. He tried to conceal his emotions but failed miserably when a single drop of tear betrayed him by leaving a trail of it behind. He wiped that off with his other hand and gave her a very forced smile. Alexa turned to him completely. She leaned forward and hushed,

"Logan -"

She was cut off when he stood up and left the great hall.

"Don't mind him." A firm voice spoke from behind her. Alexa turned around to see it was her, Rebekah Grayback. The dearest cousin of the boy who just left her. "Quidditch makes him sensitive." The fourteen-year-old continued as she took a seat beside Alexa.

"I don't understand his behaviour when it comes to that game." The clueless badger mumbled to herself.

"It's something that happened in his past." The Ravenclaw Quidditch captain replied nonchalantly. "When he was young -" She started, but Alexa held her hand up to stop her from continuing.

"I am happy that you want to tell me, but don't you think it's Logan's place to tell?" Alexa continued "Don't take me wrong, I just don't want him to feel betrayed."

"Indeed," Rebekah replied. Her eyes held many emotions. Alexa was not sure, but she thought she saw some kind of admiration in those light blue eyes. The former held out her hand for the latter to shake, "I am Rebekah Grayback." She introduced herself. They had never talked before.

Alexa looked at that outstretched hand, debating with herself she took her hand in hers and replied, "Alexa Winters."


Tom was sitting in his favourite chair in that prestigious emerald common room. The scene that was playing in front of him was entertaining him free of cost.

"No Evan, I am not doing this," Abraxas screamed.

"But I am telling you please." Evan Rosier replied, his tone was anything but pleading.

Between those two boys, Benjamin Lestrange was sitting. His eyes were looking pleadingly at Anthony who sat across from them. Sighing in defeat, Anthony finally decided to intervene.

"Okay, enough you two. Tell me clearly what's the matter?"

The two arguing teenagers glared at one another and turned their faces in opposite directions. Getting fed up with their childish conducts, Tom, who was sitting on the right side of Anthony, joined the conversation for the very first time. "Did you not listen to what Anthony asked?"

At this Marcus Mulciber, who was sitting lazily on the third sofa, replied in a bored tone, "Evan wants Abraxas' help for his sister Evanka"

"What help?" Tom asked recalling the blond-headed fourth-year eagle.

"I want him to court her," Evan said. "All he has to do is a pretence."

Tom sniffled a snort. It was no secret that the female Rosier had no interest in the opposite sex. Faking a serious look he turned to Abraxas and asked, "So what's the problem?"

Abraxas turned to look at him, the shock was filled in his eyes, "What's the problem? Are you seriously asking me that?" Tom didn't like his tone one bit, but he was enjoying Malfoy's condition too much to care. "What will happen if my parents came to know about this?"

"What about that?" Anthony asked.

"What if they thought this is a good match? What if I got stuck with a girl who will never be interested in me?" Malfoy replied horrified. "Whenever I will kiss her I will think that she is finding this disgusting."

Kiss. Ah! Tom remembered his kiss with Alexa. A shiver ran down his body. It had been three weeks, still, he never forgot how good it tasted. After realizing the source of those coconuts, Tom decided to keep some distance between them. And god! Was that painful? Yes. Was that frustrating? Of course. Was that annoying? Definitely.

Anthony snorted beside Tom bringing him out of his trance. Evan narrowed his deep brown eyes on Abraxas, "You are going to pretend. I am not letting you court her for real." When it came to his baby sister, Evan was a very protective bloke. "Do you have any idea, how badly my parents started treating her after knowing her sexual preferences?"

"But why are you so fixated on him?" Alphard asked him, for the first time joining their useless conversation.

"Because for some reason, my parents adore him." Evan huffed "I don't want them to disown Evanka."

"Does she know what are you planning?" Benjamin asked him, curiosity shining in those expressive orbs. Apart from Evan, Lestrange was the only one who interacted with Evanka on a regular basis.

"Do you think, I have the courage to do something like this without her consent?" Evan muttered in dislike. "It was almost impossible to convince her."

"She agreed?" Abraxas asked in disbelief. His pale ears turned pink. Anthony gave him a meaningful smirk knowing full well from where this was coming. When Evan nodded his head in agreement, the blond-headed teenager sighed in defeat and muttered, "Fine. I will take her with me to Slughorn's stupid dinner party."

A big smile graced Evan's lips when he threw his hands around Abraxas thanking him continuously. Deciding to not disturb their not so private moment, Anthony turned his attention back to his best friend,

"Speaking of Slug-club, who are you going with?"

Tom looked back at his friend, mischief clear in his chocolaty irides, "I have no idea what are you talking about," A certain mysterious badger crossed his mind. "but I will figure out myself."


# Fact: Women actually go for multitasking, while men prefer one thing at a time.

I hope this not so eventful chapter was not a disappointment. I am finally going to add Logan's story. I will edit this chapter soon.

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Thank you all!!!

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