Chapter 46

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A special thanks to all. Thank you so much for being so kind to me. Early update as a gift for your support.


        Tom narrowed his chocolate brown eyes on the boy in front of him.

        "Adrian Winters?" The former whispered inaudibly. Did he hear right?

        He took in the latter's appearance. The boy was petite, yet was taller for his age. The dangling shirt and shorter pants he wore were giving him a lanky stature. From what the wizard was guessing, the boy had no more than eleven birthdays. His brown hairs were kept in place. Unlike his overall mediocre form, his face was stern. The determination shone through his brown eyes. His features were not defined yet. The innocence of childhood was still gracing his body language. Was he related to his badger girl in some way, Tom questioned himself.

        "And why are you trying to find her?" Tom asked charmingly. Being nosy was the quality that stuck with him from the day he was born.

        "I don't think it concerns you in any way." The boy replied quickly. His demeanour changed from being a completely polite fool to an utterly defensive folk.

        Tom clenched his fists. Being told off was not something he overlooked very easily.

        "I am an in-charge of this place as the woman you asked for is out at the moment, so I don't know why shouldn't I be concerned." He replied. The chocolate eyes narrowed challengingly on Adrian. They were daring him to defy him again.

        "Very well." The boy cleared his throat to regain his composure. "I am looking for Tom Riddle. Can you tell me where will  I find him?"

        Now Tom's eyes turned to slits. Why was this impolite kid looking for him?

        "I am he." Tom couldn't even introduce himself properly. After his first and last visit to his father the disgust he felt for his name had increased exponentially. Now that he knew after whom he was named, the last thing he wanted is to use that name for addressing himself. He was going to avoid it as best as he could. "What do you want with me?"

        "Oh!" Adrian flushed. His embarrassment coloured his pale cheeks to deep red. "Uh- Here! This is for you."

        He handed Tom an envelope. Tom's eyes widened as he took a small, yellowish envelope from the boy. The curiosity in him perked up. It was another quality that stuck him since the day he was born. He opened the envelope to find a small piece of folded paper in it. The handwriting was all too familiar to him.

        Dear Mr Riddle,

        I hope you are well.

        If you are reading this letter, then I am assuming that you have met Adrian Winters. He is one of those who will be joining our school this September. The boy, just like you, has grown up not knowing about our world. He just shifted to your orphanage from one outside London. Unlike you, I didn't have time to explaining everything. I hope you will help your fellow schoolmate in collecting his school supplies and letting him know the basics. His ticket for Hogwarts Express is already given to him.

        See you on September 1.

        Yours sincerely,

        Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

        Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

        P.S. Congratulations on your appointment as a Prefect for the second year in a row and the excellent O.W.L.s you received this year.

        Tom closed the letter and tucked it back in the envelope. He held the envelope tightly. He couldn't believe that he was appointed as a babysitter to this boy. That too through a damn piece of paper. What was his Transfiguration master thinking? Or was he actually thinking at all? Trust that man to drop the bombs through a letter.

        Tom reverted his attention back on the boy in front of him. The latter was looking at him with questioning eyes. His features were screaming curiosity. It was one thing that Tom could relate to in the best possible way. He would never forget, how clueless he felt when he had his first meeting with the professor in the situation. He remembered, how much he surprised the deputy headmaster when he took in everything without losing his mind. The only thing that had kept Tom so collected was the fact that he always believed that he was special, different than those filthy muggles around him. And he wished to do everything he could to get as far away from them as possible. He remembered how he rejected his professor's offer to help him in getting on the train on September 1, saying he wanted to explore the world on his own. Then again not all of those out there were as bright as him, or as ambitious as him. For example this boy right in front of him.

        He would help him. Of course! Not because he was asked to, but because he would do anything to get a chance to be outside that orphanage. However, first, he needed to ask him something.

        "Do you by any chance know a woman named Sienna Winters?"

        "I do." Adrian nodded his head. "She was my mother. How do you know her?"

        And at that moment Tom knew he had found one perfect key to control a badger that was already his. The sly smirk that graced his lips as his sharp mind cooked different scenarios within. It was proof of what was coming towards Alexa in her near future.


        I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you so much to all of you that you waited so patiently for this update.

        Fact: Did you like the letter Dumbledore wrote to Tom? It is inspired by the letter he wrote to Dursleys when they landed themselves with Harry.

        For those who are confused, "Sienna Winters" is Alexa's aunt (Chapter 34 and 23). Thus, Adrian and Alexa are cousins.

        If you want to read more, please vote and share this story. Your support means a lot to me.

        Thank you all!!!

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