Epilogue II: Repercussion

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-----> Final part of an epilogue

Tom felt himself being grabbed from behind. He wanted to scream, to let others know that he was attacked, but he couldn't. His abductor's one hand went around his neck while the palm of his other's hand covered his mouth. At that point, the boy even struggled for breathing. He pushed his feet on the ground to steady himself, to free himself, but it looked like the strength of his abductor overpowered his own by folds. He panicked when he realized that he was getting dragged in an unknown forest behind them. Frantically, he bit the palm that covered his mouth and screamed with all his remaining strength. His desperate cry for help pierced through his ears.

Tom woke up startled. His body was drenched in sweat. It had been a long time since he had that nightmare. To be honest, it wasn't a nightmare. It was a memory from his past. It was the past where he was attacked by that vampire. For 31 years now, he knew that the vampire was taken care of, yet some part of him still feared him. Tom sighed as he ran his hand through his black locks messing them more than Alexa had done before they fell asleep. He smiled as he looked down. She was sleeping beside him. Despite being naked under the covers he felt warm and cosy. All thanks to his wife who acted as his personal heater. His wife. Tom thought affectionately.

Alexa's hairs were sprawled across his chest. In the light from a fireplace in their bedroom, Tom could see some strands of her hairs were purple. His heart warmed again as he realized that the woman in his arms loved him with all her heart. She had been loving him selflessly with all her heart since the start. And even after all these years, that little fact placated his mind but forced his heart to beat faster. It took him quite some time, but Tom could finally distinguish some grey strands in her hairs. A smirk danced on his sinfully attractive lips when he figured their activities from the night before had tired her out. Despite bearing him three kids, the petite beauty was wild in bed. Perhaps, it is always the demure ones who are passionate lovers. Tom didn't know if the statement was applicable for the demure ones in general, and he had no desire to find that out. This woman in his arms was his only woman. She was the only woman whom he had confessed all those years ago.

Tom leaned down and kissed her forehead. Then pulling her body on top of his and locking her in her place by sneaking his arms around her, he went back to sleep. She had the power to make him forget all his fears. Even the terrible ones.

 Even the terrible ones

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King's Cross station

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