Chapter 51

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Thank you for reading this story. This chapter is dedicated to my wonderful readers from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Rep, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, and Greece. Going continent by continent, so that I won't miss anyone of you.

Anyway, call me slow or whatever, but I think I found the name for this story.

"His Wicked Ways"       


"His Wicked Heart"

Do you like it? Let me know. I am waiting for your suggestion.


Alexa was rushing to her class. She was not late but had no time to have breakfast in the Great Hall that morning. After that friendly encounter with the green trio in the hallways, she had practically sprinted in the direction of Slughorn's office. In her opinion, it was a miracle that was impossible even in her another lifetime. Fortunately for her, the potion master was about to close his office. Their meeting clashed in her mind.


"Professor!" Alexa spoke out of a breath. She wasn't that happy to see that potion freak ever before in her life. "Good Evening!" She greeted.

"Ms Winters," Slughorn replied. His gooseberry eyes widened. "What a surprise!"

Clearly, of all people in their school, she was the last one he was expecting to see in his office, that too when he had not called her. If his memory wasn't faulty, the meeting where he had appointed his star student as her tutor was her first and only visit his office.

Alexa felt the heat rushing in her cheeks. Nevertheless, she composed herself.

"Sir, can I talk to you? It is an emergency," Alexa requested.

Slughorn threw a wary glance at his office. His eyes landed on the shelves that decorated every single wall of that ancient room. Those shelves housed his precious potions. With him teaching her for the past five years and knowing her vulnerability when it came to his subject, he wasn't sure if he should let her invade his personal heaven.

Sensing this, Alexa added, "Professor, I won't take long."

"Come in Ms Winters." Slughorn opened the door for her. Though he was never going to admit it, he was embarrassed and extremely uncomfortable.

"Take a seat." He pointed at the chair in front of his desk, as he took his'. As she took her seat, with her head bent low, he fired his query, "How can I help you, Ms Winters?"



"Professor, I want to study Alchemy. It has been my wish since I was a child," Alexa replied. Her eyes never left the desk or she had seen that Slughorn's eyes had widened second time that day. Never did he imagine that she would be interested in something so complex. "For that, I needed at least Exceeding Expectations in Potion making. However, I got an Average on the subject. That's why I am unable to opt for it. It will really help me if you could sign a letter of recommendation for me."

By now, she had Slughorn's whole attention. To be honest, her getting an average in that subject was an achievement for both of them. It had surprised him, how much she had worked on improving herself in that subject previous year. And now that she had confessed why, he knew that studying Alchemy meant a lot to her, but it was still risky. Potion making was an atomic part of Alchemy. It was a bitter truth that many alchemists had suffered the consequences, including paralysis as well as death, because of some simple mistakes they made during making their potions. And he never wanted anyone he knew to suffer such things. To him, Life was a precious gift, but he also knew an aimless one is a waste. He sighed,

"I can't Ms Winters."

Alexa looked at him dejectedly, but it was really not in her hand. She knew it was going to be hard to convince him. She looked away to hide her disappointment. The wooden chair that she sat in suddenly felt very constricting.

"As you know, you are quite a disaster when it comes to potions. Your school records clearly show that you pass on the boundary," Slughorn added, "but last year you showed me that there is hope. Your tutoring really helped you, didn't it?"

"It did, sir. Tom had really helped me with my studies." Alexa nodded her head. She was listening very intently to what Slughorn had to say.

Slughorn smiled a little. Indeed Riddle was the finest he had. "Fortunately, headmaster Dippet hasn't received a good number of students who want to study that subject and so you will have one more week to apply. I will give you a letter only if you continue your tutoring session with Tom. That way I will be assured that you are still taking the subject seriously."

Alexa huffed inwardly. Of course! He had to bring Tom up. So much for keeping her distance from the said boy. Here she was getting cornered by his admirers, and she had no choice but to break their hearts and spend more time with him. She sure was glad to study with him. He was the most knowledgeable pupil and was even better at teaching than their potion master, but now that everyone thought of them as a couple, she was sure this arrangement was going to create problems in her almost non-existent social life.

"I understand sir."

She gave the same smile she had given to Professor Beery.

*Flashback ends*

She needed to speak to Riddle as soon as she could.

"Oh, Ms Winters! Please come in."

Alexa came out of her trance to realize she had already reached the class. This year she shared both DADA and Potions with Slytherins. Her brown eyes landed on perfectly maintained mass of black curls. She could recognize to whom those belong anywhere. A shiver ran down her spine as she recalled their last interaction. She cursed herself for side-tracking so easily. That boy was a partial reason why she came earlier than usual. She wanted to talk to him alone. Seeing that now Prof. Merrythought was already there, she knew it won't happen easily.

Tom turned around hearing her name. And her resolve broke when his excited chocolate orbs locked with her dull brown ones.

"Good morning Professor!" Alexa greeted her teacher who was too distracted by her coursework to notice that Alexa was unfocused too.

Alexa greeted her professor, but her eyes never left those of her tutor. It was like she was obliged to pay her attention only to him when he was present in the same room as her. She was behaving like he was her master. And Tom loved this feeling. It made him feel like a king, the one who owned this girl. Though he would never admit this to anyone, especially to her, seeing her so captivated was a boost for his already big ego. He couldn't help but give her his notorious smirk. And it acted perfectly when he saw her looking away from him abruptly. She knew that he caught her staring at him. He noticed that her pale neck turned crimson. It was the colour he adored on her, especially when he was its reason. What he didn't notice was that his smirk was now replaced with a smile, a real and sweet one,  which he hadn't worn for a very long time.


I hope you liked the interaction between Alexa and Slughorn. I am so excited to write the next chapter. Do you think Tom will agree? If yes, how?

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