Chapter 54

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This chapter is dedicated to my wonderful readers from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Panama, Colombia, and Dom. Republic. You people are awesome.

P.S. If I never dedicated a chapter to your country then please let me know and I will add it in the next update.

P.P.S. Did you see the image? "Lost" was ranked first in Harry Potter on 8th and 9th July. And it was possible only because of you. Thank you so much, my dear readers. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!


Not wanting to create a show bigger than what they already did by coming together in a great hall,  Alexa followed behind Tom. Not like he had given her a choice. Her feet dragged her absentmindedly to the Slytherin table. Her eyes fixed on her worn-out light yellow shoes. It was not like the mud that covered them was the most interesting thing in the world, but after making eye contact with her Transfiguration master she lacked the courage to look at anyone in the hall. She tucked her fallen strand of black hairs behind her ear with the hand that was not clutched by that annoying git. She would have thanked her stars that they didn't change their colour if she wasn't so focused on the tingles that were running through her body from where their hands were touching one another. They were reminding her of the intimacy they shared that day.

*That morning, after DADA class*

Tom peppered kisses from the juncture between her neck and her shoulder to her jaw. Her body was reacting to every single peck he left on her skin. The shiver that ran through her frame made her shudder. Since she was enveloped in his hold, he could feel her every movement. The effect he had on her was amusing, marvelling. Tom decided to test the waters by continuing the trail of his kisses to her left cheek. The more he kissed, the better he liked the way she tasted. Unlike the other times, Tom paid attention to many parts of her face. It was like he was exploring the new territory. A territory that was already his. And to top it off, he was fueled by her moans. They were encouraging him to go further. He reached her ear. Her ear-ring caught his attention. He hadn't realized that her ears were pierced until that time, all thanks to her midnight bangs for hiding them. The ring was plain golden. There was nothing carved on it. It strangely reminded him of the one that he had taken away from his uncle Morfin that summer. The one which graced the pointer finger of his left hand.

Tom buried his nose in her hairs. As usual, they reminded him of fresh coconuts. A moan of pleasure escaped those sinfully attractive lips. He didn't know that he had missed something as trivial as that.

"Your hairs, they smell so nice, sweetheart."

He didn't know when his mouth opened and croaked those words out. However, they had pushed the right buttons. If she was moaning before, she was on the verge of screaming now. She used every last bit of control she had. Thank Merlin, that it worked.

"T-Tom," she hushed.

Never in his life did he like his name more. Coming out of her soft lips, it felt so right.

So special.

So magical.

Like there was no muggle-ish-ness to it. He wondered what would it be like if she called him master.

Her master.

Her only master.

Even in that situation, he hadn't forgotten her earlier submissiveness. He wanted to taste her name on his lips.

"Alexa!" he exclaimed. The hoarseness of his voice calling out to every cell in her body.

She shuddered.

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