Ghoul! Levi x Investigator! Reader [1]

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** Tokyo Ghoul! Crossover

| N | O | T | E | I'm gonna change some things here. This story won't follow the original events in the anime, but some stuff will stay as it is. The time line in which this story takes place is somewhere in the middle of Season 2/ TG: A (before the Anteiku raid).

3rd Person POV

"--triple-S-rated ghoul 'Crimson Steel' escaped the Cochlea Ghoul Internment Facility just minutes ago with Aogiri's help. (Y/n)-san, we'll need you in this one."

"We're on our way, Kotaro-san."

Just as the female turned her phone off, two figures from outside came barging in the office. Akira and (Y/n) turned their heads to see panting males by the doorway.

"Mado-chan, Senior Investigator Amon said we have to go. Now!" Jean holds onto the doorknob as he tries to calm his breathing down. "(L/n)-senpai, he said we should join too!" Seido spoke, also in the same condition as Jean. Akira and (Y/n) stand up from their seats, running out of the room in a jiffy.

"Some of the other units are already on the scene, we have to hurry if we want to help with the capture." Jean stated as the four of them ran together through the spacious hallways.

"Wait, the Crimson Steel's real face was never shown to any of us, right? How do we know if we suddenly encounter him?" Seido questions. "I guess we'll know once we see it ourselves." (Y/n) replies as she glanced at the brunet. "(Y/n)-chan's correct. A triple-S-rated ghoul can't be that hard to identify out of the Aogiri bunch." Akira comments before the four of them stopped in front of a large door. "But what if the Owl's also there?" "We'll know once we see it, too." (Y/n) responds with a sigh, before pushing the two doors in front of them open.


"What the hell..."

(Y/n) looks around, seeing scattered limbs and dismembered bodies of her fellow CCG officers on the ground. And this was just the outside of Cochlea. Did the ghoul fully escape already?

"Assistant Special Investigator Smith, we have to split up." Kotaro utters as he looks at the blond male beside him. Erwin nods as a response. "We're going inside, you survey the exterior area in case that ghoul's still around, Amon-kun." Erwin stated before running inside the facility with his squad members. "Take care, Mikasa!" (Y/n) yells after Mikasa as the dark-haired female followed her squad leader. "You too, (Y/n)!" Mikasa replies in a hurry.

"Akira, we're taking the left side. (Y/n)-san and Takizawa-san, take the right." Kotaro activates his quinque as Akira sides with him. (Y/n) just nodded as she carries the white suitcase in her hands. "We'll go inside if we find nothing, so we'll meet you there, Amon-san." (Y/n) utters, before she runs with Seido to roam their assigned area.

"Seido-kun, stay close. And whatever you do, don't let go of your quinque." The female says as she ran alongside her partner. "Hai!" Seido gives out a determined reply.

'Crimson Steel... I wonder what he looks like.'

The pair continued to search the field together, not finding any signs of the missing ghoul. (Y/n) inwardly hisses, disappointed that they weren't able to find anything.

"We're nearing our end route, senpai. Should we go inside?" Seido stops beside his senior, trying to catch his breath. The female takes a final look around their surroundings, before leading the way inside Cochlea.

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