Sick! Levi x Reader

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[6:34 a.m.]

(Y/n)'s POV

The door to my room suddenly swung open, producing a loud sound enough to make me flinch. I fixed my brown jacket before I looked at the rude intruder that dared to enter my room without permission.

"(Y/n)! Make Levi tea already!"

Oh, it was just Hanji.

"Huh? I usually make his tea by 7, Hanji." I explained, sitting on my bed as I stared at the scientist in front of me, her forehead having evident beads of sweat on them.

I make Levi tea since last year. He did mention something about my tea tasting the same as his, so he assigned as his personal 'tea-maker' while he finishes all of his paperwork everyday.

And I usually bring him his coffee in his office at 7 in the morning and evening. What's up now?

"Well, it was him that kind of demanded his tea so..." Hanji shrugs, leaning on the wall.

"Does he have more paperwork to deal with?" I asked, sitting on my bed. "Erwin didn't give him anything new since yesterday. I don't know if there are some new ones." She adjusts her glasses, and ushered me to leave the room. "Come on, you guys will assemble in less than thirty minutes. Better make him that tea now so we can have breakfast together." She grins, staying beside me as I closed the door to my room.

We entered the mess hall, finding it empty. I went straight to the kitchen and made the tea for Heichou while Hanji went to wake the girls in their dorms already. I didn't want to see his temper this early in the morning.

Once I was done with his black tea, I carefully placed it on a tray along with a piece of warm bread.

Sometimes, I notice Heichou not going to breakfast anymore. Maybe it's because of the bread I always bring him.

I feel special for some reason.

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of his office door. I knocked on it three times.

"Cadet (L/n), sir." I didn't bother mentioning my intentions. He already knows why I'm here.

I turned the knob and used my foot to hold the door open. I walked in, my eyes easily catching his figure asleep on the table, and beside his head were some paperwork.

I set the tray in front of him and shook him awake slightly. "Heichou, your tea's here."

He didn't budge.

"Levi-heichou?" I called him again, poking his head. He just groaned as a response. I raised a brow at this. This time, I placed my palm on his hair.

'He's... unusually hot.'

'Well he is hot, but that's another story.'

"Heichou, are you okay?" I questioned, kneeling on the floor and my head on the edge of the table to get a better view of him.

"Are you feeling fine?"

I waited for a reply, but he shook his head slowly instead.

Oh. He's sick.

'What do I do--'

He raised his head from his arms and looked at me. I froze on the spot as we just stared at each other.

He looks so tired. But he still managed to look so freaking hot.

Forgive me for my sins.

I raised my hand and felt his forehead before I even realized what I was doing. 'He's definitely ill.' I noted before standing up.

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