Levi x Badass! Reader [2]

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3rd Person POV

"Shit." (Y/n) curses. All of the soldiers left went on full speed. The huge, hairy titan was chasing them, and was nearing them. Thankfully, a forest from the distance can be seen. "Everyone prepare your gears! We're heading to the forest!" "Yes sir!!"

Once they reached the entrance of the forest, they left their horses and shot their gears to the barks of the trees. Eren and the others looked behind to see that the Beast titan was now staring at their direction. He then kneeled on the ground and took a massive chunk of soil.

And they knew where this was going.

"Commander! The aberrant!" Armin shouted frantically. They all stared at the aiming abnormal. "Oi, brats! Take cover!" Levi stayed with the ground below them, knowing that the titan is planning to hit the people above. Some snapped out of their shock and went with Levi. But few others didn't and continued staring at the large amount of land now facing them. Those people included Gunther, Eld, Petra, Nanaba, and Gelgar.

"Petra!!!" That was the last thing the poor Chestnut-haired girl heard before dying. Oluo had his mouth ajar, processing everything that just happened. Tears welled up on his eyes. Eren was furious and glared at the monster that killed most of his squad mates. (Y/n), who was beside her Corporal, was mad. Very mad. One of her best friends was killed by the beast titan. "THAT BASTARD!" She shouted furiously and walked away, devising a plan to take that thing down once and for all. Some watched her stomp away, worried.

Armin watched the Titan's every move. He observed how he was staring at them. Then he felt it's eyes look at Eren, who was in front of him. Eren was currently ranting about how he'll kill the thing.

The 17-meter tall titan said something gibberish then walked away. The ground shook, and all the soldiers were left to panic, not knowing what to do. (Y/n) came back to where the most people are.

"Commander, we have to take a human out of its nape." She said once she approached the commander. He looked at the female, confusion written all over him. "What do you mean, (L/n)?" "Sir, we've encountered shifters like that thing. Eren, Leonhardt, and Fritz for example. Their anatomy and abilities are unique from the normal titans. And not a single normal monster can aim like that." She stated monotously. Erwin took in all the information and confirmed it. He commanded the people around him to fetch their horses. They were about to head to another forest, continuing their path towards the walls.

The shaking of the ground continued, and (Y/n) just knew what was coming at them. "Commander! There's titans behind us!!" She shouted, and everyone heard it. Most of them looked behind them, and they realized she was right. More than 10 abnormals were running, crawling, or limping towards their direction. "Speed ahead, everyone!!!" Erwin sped up, and so did the others.

"They'll catch up. We have to fight them." Armin stated. He was sweating because of nervousness. Historia was worried too. Sasha was on the verge of tears just recalling her friends being killed.

Another forest was on sight. "Erwin, we can use the forest too kill them! And probably take one for exp-" "We'll take one next time, Hanji. This is a life-or-death situation right here, so we need to focus." Erwin simply stated, cutting Hanji's sentence off.

"Switch to ODMG!" Everyone did as said by their Corporal. They just stood on the tall branches of the massive trees, so the titans below can't reach them.

"They keep coming!" Jean utters, slight fear detected from his voice. "What do we do? We can't risk any more lives right now." Connie follows.

(Y/n)'s POV

'My senses are back. But how?! When?! Why?!!'

I checked if the silver armband was still working. It was, thankfully.

[AOT] All About Levi Ackerman (Oneshots, Head canons, Etc.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя